LS vs CC


ok, i'll admit it..... i was suckered into purchasing 20lb bag of LS and a 40lb bag of CC for my 55g from my LFS when i started up my tank 6 weeks ago. My tank has been running great, cycle finished in good time.... everything looks great. I have 35lb LR, 2 green chromis, 1 emerald crab, 1 pepermint shrimp, 1 mexican turbo snail, 5 astreas, and 10 blue leg hermitls... all is well.... and that completes my setup.
As i read on and on daily, i here more & more about crushed coral........... and not to use it. I've read post about removing it. Well, laying awake at night thinking over and over about this i figured it was better to remove it now than to wait until later once my take has matured or i had any more fish in there. I followed someone's suggestion and removed half of the CC with a net and i'll remove the other half in a week or two. (((it was a pain!!!
I replaced it with another 20lb of LS. I took some test before i did it and my ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 10.
After removing the CC and making a complete mess my reading are now Ammonia 0, nitrites .3mg/l, and nitrates 20. does this sound right to anyone? Could it be from kicking up all the crap from the bottom in the process of removing? I put poly pre-filters in my filter until the dust settled and removed them once it was complete.
In the long run, did i make the right decision in removing the CC??? Please tell me yes.......
swat :help:


I made the change about a month ago and I'm glad I did! The sand bed looks so much better. As far as your nitrates I'm no expert but I would say yes. Moving around all that cc definetly raised your nitrates. When I made the change I did it all in one day. The tank was pretty cloudy and I kept my one tomato clown in my qt tank until it settled a day later. During the change I ended up making a 50% water change. I'll tell ya I had a mess but it was well worth it! I'm sure you'll feel the same way once you've completed the change. Good luck! :joy: :joy:


Active Member
CC has no place in the hobby. I do not know why stores continue to stock it... probably so customers get nitrate spikes, lose critters, and come back to buy more critters :p


Active Member
Originally Posted by swatskee
In the long run, did i make the right decision in removing the CC??? Please tell me yes.......
swat :help:


I just made the switch yesterday from CC ti LS and I love it already, wish I did it in the first place. My hermits move around more and seem to be happier. plus it got rid of all the left over alge I had on the CC from a algae bloom I had before I got the hermits. My nitrates whent up also but I will test again and do a water change if nesicery.