

New Member
If i go to the beach and put some wet sand in a bucket and transport it for 5 hours can I use that as LS


Active Member

I wouldn't. All the pollution winds up on the beach. You wouldn't want that in your tank.


I am sure you could, but would you want to take that risk. You don't know what kind of parasites and other unwanted critters introduced into your tank.
My advice by a few bags of live sand from your fish store.


Active Member
You don't actually NEED to use LS. You can use any aragonite sand. If you add a good amount of LR, the rock will seed the sand bed for you in no time.


New Member
Thanx again. At the moment there is only one shop that will supply me with 20kg (+- 10lbs) of live rock at R1400.00(+- $200). I will just have to keep looking


I could send you live sand from South Florida (not florida sand live sand from the store) but the shipping cost would probably be extremly bad.


New Member
thanx RAYRAYPICO. That would have been great but the shipping cost would be massive especially with SA's wonderfull exchange rate.


Active Member
Here is what I would do If I were in your shoes.
Just get some regular aragonite dry sand, this will eventually become LS. Get mainly baserock, if you can get ahold of lace rock or tufta that is ideal. Then get as much LR as you can afford (at $200 for 20lbs that is probably all I would get). Then you add the LR to the baserock, eventually the LR will seed the baserock and the sand, then you will have a tank with all LR and all LS, this will probably take 6mo to a year.