LTA is buried


New Member
My LTA decided to leave the rocks in my reef tank and has buried its foot in the sand. I have heard of this happening, but I am wondering if I should be concerned and try and move it. I know if I do it will just move again, proabaly back to the same spot. The clowns don't seem to mind, they still are active with it. Help


Active Member
Do not move it. They need to find their place according to lighting, flow etc. Sounds like it has found its for the time being.


when i 1st got my lta i set it up in a crevis on a rock facing the front of tank
2 hours later is was in the back of the tank where there wasnt much light and i could not reach it to feed it and i could not even see it i left it there for a week to see what happened and still there
i then just turned the rock the other way now facing the front and within 30 minutes it wedged it self between the bottom of the rock and the sand bed been there for months now
i heard form research that that is its favourite position between rock and sand bed with its foot deep in sand bed