LTA losing tentacles


I have had an LTA for about 5 months now and is growing and seems healthy for the most part. It had a run in with a powerhead when I first got it, but recovered just great. The problem that I am having with it is that some of the tentacles seem to break off, or disconnect at the midway point, and the remaining tentacle heals up. This is the 3rd time that it has happened since I got it, and when it heals up, it is bigger then ever. I am wondering if it is injured by the cleaner shrimp trying to steal food when I feed it, or if it is getting sick and then recovering. The LTA rarely if ever closes up. Water parameters are good, except for trates(10) but are slowly coming down with the addition of refugium. Any ideas? Also my lighting is 2 96w 10k pcs, 2 96 watt actinic pc, and 2 250w mh's. all bulbs are less then 6 mo. old,(mh 2 mos). I am kinda thinking it is being injured by cleaner, but it comes back bigger. ?? Sorry for long post, just looking for reasons.