LTA questions???


I just got a beautiful long tent. anemone at my lfs and I need some info. It seems to want to be under my tonga branch on the bottom in the sand out of the light. I tried to relocate it near the top on some lr and it fell to the bottom. Should I let it do it's thing or keep trying to place it? Can it move itself up rock? How often should I feed it? If only I had an owners manual! lol.


Active Member
IMO, they prefer to have their foot tucked up under the bottom rocks but buried deep into the sand so they can withdrawl for protection but open up into direct light and open water.


LTA like the sand it will move to where it wants to be. If you want one to stay on the rocks try a BTA


You should have at least 3 inches of sand. As stated it will like to burry its foot into the sand, sometimes near and under a rock. Clean water is a must which means not only should your water parmeters be good but a skimmer to clean the water should be used as well. Good lighting is also a must as they will be at the bottom of the tank where the lighting is weakest.


Active Member
I bought an LTA this weekend and it started on the sand and ended up wedged in the rocks up high... He is happy and the clowns do not seem to mind.... I was told they will find their spot in the tank and not to place them.
My clowns feed him. I buy frozen mysis shrimp and cut 1/2 cube and dissolve it with some water from the tank. Kill the pumps and pour above the anemone. Clowns come and grab the food and they are back in business.
I did buy some new stuff last night called reef snow. This is a liquid to feed him and the corals.
Good luck!