LTA's mouth is bulging! HELP!!!


Active Member
That picture I posted was taken directly from Fenners site, he stated it was an H. Crispa. I agree it is small and to compare it to the OP pic is nearly impossible. Yours I agree is an LTA, Corkscrew or M. doreensis. The verrucae on yours is easily identifiable where as the OP pic and from my lack of experience looks like it has the placement of them but they are not raised as they are supposed to be.
The verrucae on my purple LTA aren't raised. My H. Crispa has raised you can see here.

This is when my H. Crispa went for a walk.
So having a raised verrucae can't be a way to verify the ID.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sea_nacl_h2o
The verrucae on my purple LTA aren't raised. My H. Crispa has raised you can see here.

This is when my H. Crispa went for a walk.
So having a raised verrucae can't be a way to verify the ID.
Well I would agree it cant be the Only way, but it can be one way. As stated I am not an expert, I only sited where i have read that this species of anemone although it is uncommon in captivity can and do split to reproduce. And my source for this info IMO is a pretty reputable one.


Active Member
From the pictures posted by sea_nacl_h2o mine resembles those very closely. No change as of yet. I am doing the water change today. Something came up last night which delayed me. This is becoming a really interesting discussion on the different species!
Here are a few more pics that I found. They are from about a year ago in my 45 gal tall. It now resides in my custom 100 gal. And I was wrong I have had it for about 1 1/2 years not 2. You all have been terrific!

Yeah, that is definitely an LTA aka M. Doreensis. A very lovely looking one too ..I sure hope water changes help it. If it does recover, if I were you.. I wouldn't feed it silversides anymore. Insted of silversides..feed raw shrimp or scallops soaked in selcon.
Btw I have seen this happen to peoples haddoni's after feeding it a silverside. Let me see if I can find a picture.
And here they are..

You anemone might have got a bacterial infection from the silversides. I have read on -- that maracyn treatment might help. Some one by the ID DLBerlin said it helped her anemones. She was able to save her haddoni and her other anemones with a maracyn treatment, both to the tank and through shrimp "plastered" with maracyn and fed directly to the anemone. You can get it from your lfs and if you can't get it there.. I'm sure you can find it online. I have never tried maracyn but if I was going through what you are. I wouldn't hesitate giving it a try, that is if the water changes don't work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sea_nacl_h2o
And here they are..

You anemone might have got a bacterial infection from the silversides. I have read on -- that maracyn treatment might help. Some one by the ID DLBerlin said it helped her anemones. She was able to save her haddoni and her other anemones with a maracyn treatment, both to the tank and through shrimp "plastered" with maracyn and fed directly to the anemone. You can get it from your lfs and if you can't get it there.. I'm sure you can find it online. I have never tried maracyn but if I was going through what you are. I wouldn't hesitate giving it a try, that is if the water changes don't work.
Thanks so much for this info. If the water change has no affect I will check into the maracyn. This anemone is really my favorite thing in my tank. I defiantly will not feed it silversides anymore!


Active Member
Thanks for asking. It perished yesterday and I had to remove it from the tank last night.
I hope my clown does okay. She looks kind of confused today. Thanks to everyone that helped me with this issue.