Yes, I have been very happy with my corals I've bought on the net.
bought on the net:
green star polyps
blue striped mushrooms
mushroom leather
long tentacle plate coral
colt coral
bought from LFS:
Yellow polyps
fluorescent green frogspawn
I didn't dip any of the listed coral, but I'm going to dip corals I buy in the future. I've read that the parasite ich (which is a protozoan) can be transmitted from tank to tank if infected fish are living in the same tank with the corals. This sounds logical given the life cycle of the parasite.
In its free swimming stage, the parasite finds a It then feeds on the host and forms a protective crust over itself. This is when the aquarist first realizes the fish has ich. The parasite stays attached to the fish for approx 7 days or until maturity and then leaves the host and enters the water for as long as 18 hours before it attaches to a suitable substrate...rock, sand, coral, aquarium walls. Then the cells within the cycst divide and form several hundrend off-spring. The entire cycle lasts from 4 to 28 days. If it doesn't find a suitable host, it dies.
Anyway, that's one reason why I'm going to dip my corals in the future. I've read other horror stories of what new corals have brought into the home aquarium, too.
Do you think Lugol's is the best product to use? I haven't done a search regarding dips, yet. But is sounds like you've heard a lot obout Lugol's. I guess the iodine in it would be beneficial to the coral, too. The other products I've looked at don't have that ingredient...that I know of.
Sorry to go off on the ich tangent.