lunar cycle


New Member
hey blacktip you are comming off like some kind of bully you brat! share the knowhow or shut up!


New Member
very interesting blacktip. But,Do you feel that your success has been based on your use of lunar cycle lighting (or the success of other professionals) or just excellent water movement and quality mixed with a large dose of knowledge and trace elements??


New Member
I apologize to everyone who has become offended by my response. The reason for my attitude or bulliness if you may is I have been involved in this hobby for 18 years. I have been importing fish and corals to retailers as well as public aquariums longer than most people have owned fish tanks and after reading a response from some arrogant punk who accuses me of talking out of the wrong hole just makes me a little defensive. Espcially when public aquariums continully call on me to help their curators care for the sharks since this is truly my expertise. Yet I must realize I am above this and have to allow my anger at these people to be channeled to those people who truly want to learn the secrets of proper fishkeeping.
I actually got the lunar idea while diving in the indo pacific and being part of a reef spawning. It was magically as well as inviting. I over the course of many years have experimented with such things as lunar cycling, wave making, as well as seasonal changes. My latest experiment is with wave making on a whole different level. Just to let you know my experiment....result to come later. Remember many years ago those cool little wave devices people put on their endtables which created or looked like they had a wave on their table. It was a glass rectangle filled with colored (blue) water and would rock back and forth creating a wave. Well why not invent one which allows a few corals to be added to it for reproduction only. I am in the process of this project and will let you all know soon if any results come from it. At this point in time the corals which I have added all seem to be doing to get them to reproduce. Let's keep our fingers crossed. And once again to all I apologize for my rudeness, for the others doubting is a diease which is easily conquered. Knowledge and experimentation is the key to success. My spelling certainly isn't. Happy Reefkeeping.


Blacktip, I appologise and stand corected. I too am a marine biologist and have previously worked at the Great Barrier Reef aquarium in Townsville and also some voluntary research at the London aquarium. Whilst at these two institutions, none of the curators there - to my knowledge - were aware of your research and obviously amazing breakthroughs. I have been involved in aquaculture for 20 years and, due to the decline of the reefs worldwide and global warming consider the science to be essential as it may one day be necessary to repopulate reefs that we have destroyed.
I would be very greatfull if you could tell me where I can obtain any of your papers and research on sexual reproduction of corals in captivity. You can email me at
You may also be interested in a gentleman called John Little who lives in the Florida keys and as a hobby is collecting corals locally, propogating them and returning them to the sea. He has some interesting aquaculture methods, and I am sure he would be thrilled to be in contact with you.
Please contact me as it sounds like I could learn a lot.



Originally posted by jtoliver:
The guy at my lfs told me today about putting my tank on a lunar cycle by putting in two nightlight bulbs that you turn on and off at night in combination to simulate the lunar cycle. He said that this would make my corals reproduce and would increase the general quality of the tank by simulating the natural ocean environment. This sounds like sound reasoning to me but I want to know if anyone else has tried it and if it is worth the trouble?

Joliver, if blacktip was a passing visitor to this site please pass him my email adress so that I can get in contact. Many thanks and my appologise


I sure like my reef setup, but, man!
Just think of what you guys could accomplish if you put this much thought and energy into something that was productive. I did enjoy reading it though.


New Member
blacktip, I meant no disrespect and my quention was truthful in nature.I merely want to learn and assimilate more on the subject.My lunar knowledge is somewhat lacking and I wasen't offended by your comments but intrested thats all.We are all here to learn no matter how much we know.I am just glad to see aquarists helping other aquarists on this BB.



Originally posted by rickt4du:
I sure like my reef setup, but, man!
Just think of what you guys could accomplish if you put this much thought and energy into something that was productive. I did enjoy reading it though.

such as?


I now have my LCS (lunar cycle simulator) set up on my tank unfortunatly I missed the last full moon, however I did catch the tail end of it using 1 bulb. My corals didn't reproduce (I didn't expect them to) but this was when I started my bristle worm traping program, (see the topic bristleworms) and it was quite interesting to watch the little suckers move across the live rock toward the trap, and go in. It is also quite cool just to look at the tank because it looks totally different with this type of light source. because there are moving shadows all over the tank from the waves reflecting the light. It actually looks like I would expect it to look like underwater at night.



Originally posted by clayton:
such as?

just an observation clayton...for you i can understand ...its your job...i just see it as a'd probably say the same if you heard some of my amateur radio debates on radio wave propagation...BTW i just talked to a guy on the Isle of Wight...maybe you know him?
... meant it all in smiling as i this post ends up at 40 soon...have a great day...


I don't know about the land animals but I know that blacktip has had a lot of success in his 200gal tank. And I plan on having success in my 37 gal tank.