Lunar Lighting


I was hoping someone could help. 2 weeks ago I put 3 small Lunar lights on the canopy of my 90 gallon reef tank, it seems just in the last few days I have a red algae growning on my live rock. Any one know if this could be caused by the Lunar Lighting?


Active Member
the lunar lights shouldnt have caused this... how long are your main DT lights running for and how many watts are they and what kind?


Hi, and thanks for responding, my lights are running no more than 8 hours a day, I unfortuntately don't know the wattage as I had my tank set up 1 year ago by a local here, I have no problems at all with it in this year....I just thought the red algae coming up was odd shortly after adding Lunar lighting.
I did check the lights but they are not marked, each side has a double light set up, I am just not sure what they are. I asked the guy who set it up how to get rid of this and he said bi-weekly when I did my water change just to vac it out.


Active Member
yeah when i first set up my tank i got it a lot. i dont know why u would be getting it with that mature of a tank. to get rid of it just vacume it out and keep up on ur water changes. try turning down the lights just a tad bit say 7 or so hours then back up to 8 in a few weeks. hope that helps


Originally Posted by captainMJ
Hi, and thanks for responding, my lights are running no more than 8 hours a day, I unfortuntately don't know the wattage as I had my tank set up 1 year ago by a local here, I have no problems at all with it in this year....I just thought the red algae coming up was odd shortly after adding Lunar lighting.
I did check the lights but they are not marked, each side has a double light set up, I am just not sure what they are. I asked the guy who set it up how to get rid of this and he said bi-weekly when I did my water change just to vac it out.

have you changed the bulbs since you set up the tank? light bulbs lose their spectrum with time. just like everything else you have to maintain the light bulbs too


Originally Posted by cantbstopd
have you changed the bulbs since you set up the tank? light bulbs lose their spectrum with time. just like everything else you have to maintain the light bulbs too

I had the same problem, after i changed my lights it went away.