Lunar lights


So I ordered some lights for my 20g and they come with lunar lights. It is described as "Two 3/4 watt Lunar Blue-Moon-Glow LED lamps." I havent had any experience with lunar lights before, so I am looking for some advice. What exactly do these things do? When should I have them on? And for how long?
Thanks in advanced!


Active Member
Originally Posted by archon210
So I ordered some lights for my 20g and they come with lunar lights. It is described as "Two 3/4 watt Lunar Blue-Moon-Glow LED lamps." I havent had any experience with lunar lights before, so I am looking for some advice. What exactly do these things do? When should I have them on? And for how long?
Thanks in advanced!
they do absolutley nothing, except make the tank look better at night, i turn them on when my other lights are off, for the whole night, it just makes little sections of the tank blue instead of pitch black


Active Member
They are more the viewing pleasure of the inhabitants outside of the tank. I normally have mine come on after all other lights go out and then have them go out when the other lights start to come back on......There is talk and claims that they promote spawning cyles etc, but it would have to be used in conjuction with the phases of the moon and the intensity and duration etc would also have to change accordingly.......IMHO they give a good astetic appearance and makes lots of critters in the tanak just jump out with their vivid colors...


Active Member
I beg to differ... I believe they are just as good for the fish inside the tank as for us. Reason being is that it is very rarely that it is actually pitch black out, as it is when all the lights go out. Its kinda actinbg like the moon would in the ocean


Active Member
Originally Posted by PFitz44
I beg to differ... I believe they are just as good for the fish inside the tank as for us. Reason being is that it is very rarely that it is actually pitch black out, as it is when all the lights go out. Its kinda actinbg like the moon would in the ocean
I agree with this line of thinking.


Active Member
turning my lights on after a few hours of pitch black darkness leads me to believe most creatures dont give a damn about moon lighting. In fact I seriously doubt the pods and other creatures would even come out under moonlighting like they do in darker conditions. The fish cant care cause they arent awake.


A lot of "critters" and some fish are nocturnal, therefore the lunar lights mimick the moonlight found in open water conditions. It is mostly just to make the tank look good at night, they are not beneficial in any kind of growth. The lunar lights at night just give the nighttime critters a little extra light for their foraging.