lunar wrasse compatibility


New Member
hi what up guys hows everyone? i have a question about my new lunar wrasse i just purchased. in my tank i already had a snowflake eel, a niger trigger, and a yellow tang. they all was getting alng very well with the niger being the dominant over the tang. i just added my wrasse on thursday. he ws getting along well and i left to get my girlfriend from work today came back to feed my tank and my yellow tang was on the bottom of the tank breathing but not swimming and was missing his eyes. is it possible that the wrasse could have ate the tangs eyes? if not what cold have bee wrong with my tang? thnx for any help


Active Member
i dought it ate them but it could have been the problem they are aggresive its most likley the eel or niger but it could have been the wrasse


New Member
thats what i figured it was either theniger or the eel, but see the tang was in that tank for several months with thse two fish. the eel don't ever bother any of the fish in the tanks so i kinda ruled him out. the niger only fooled with the tang the first day he was in the tank.


Active Member
It is very possible in fact likely that the Wrasse is the culprit. The Lunare Wrasse is also affectionately known as the "Lunatic Wrasse" in the hobby. Potentially a horribly aggressive fish, and known for going after eyes, not sure why they do that.
How large is your tank? I would not have a Lunare in anything smaller than 125 gallons.


Active Member
I've heard of Lunare (and other Thalassoma wrasse) attacking eyes of tankmates. It really doesn't surprise me, this is a much more aggressive genus than many folks realize. Batfish are good tankmates; they can always use their sonar to find food and avoid obstructions if they lose their eyeballs. Seriously though, I'd humanly destroy the tang; there is no way it can survive like this.


That's too bad, I feel sorry for the tang. But I did hear Lunars do that before, unfortunately.