lunar wrasse gone crazzy


well my lunar wrasse flipped on everyone in the tank ripped the top fins off mt scooter blaneys,tonite and got one of my coral cats too ealier. well i seen enough got him out and brought him to the lfs. got some credit and got a bie color angle. sad to see him go but i didn't want to lose anymore fish. <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" /> hope i made a good choice.


New Member
I got a Lunare Wrasse. He is so coo;, and always moving. There a great fish I think and dosn't bother any of my fish.


It has been my experience that Lunare's turn vicious as they get bigger. I had to get rid of a gorgeous one myself after he killed my 5" Racoon butterfly. He just turned killer one day and I heard later that is common for them.