New Member
Hey guys, i've have had my tank up for two years, it's just a normal FOWLR, i got a Lunar Wrasse, and he dosn't make life any eazyer for me he's been in there for a year now he's going great, he's healthy, he lives in my 75 with my Maroon Clown and my last Blue-Green Chromis, and the wrasse, and the clown are the assholes of the tank, they don't let alot of stuff happen to add derveristy to my tank, Shrimp? not with wrasse, Smaller Fish, not with the clown, the lunar allso got emerald crabs overnight, i would love to start advancing on some new Animals and inverts, or something to spicein up my tank, the one green chromis isn't helping that much being the only nice fish to live in d-block long anuff, i don't understand, there thank is nice they got anuff rocks in there to sink a ship, it's just that even if i get something that can hide from the wrasse, he can fit anywherein the rocks to peck the invert/fish out, does anyone else have one of these wrasses? and know anything i don't? sorry about the rambling lol