lunar wrasse not swimming

WHAT SHOULD I DO TO DT? my lunar wrasse has not been eatting for 3 days now and has been per say hiding in his spots, no swimming around. he comes out maybe sometimes only half of him, 1 time a hr and goes back in and hides or goes to another hiding spot and hides.. water levers are perfect. havent done anything different in the last week to tank except i started feeding him some diamino feeders(rosy red size). he ate 3 at one time and the next day was doing this hiding thing. i havent noticed any injury on him, but do see that his breathing is slightly higher than normal, as if he were swimming around the tank fast, he is not beathing as if paniced.
i do however have ich in the tank, thou no spots are ever on him in the past i have seen him rub. and about a3 weeks ago i got a clown tang who of course came down with ich and is getting over it but 2 weeks ago i did start using Kent RXP. and i did a couple treatments of melafix over a week ago.
any ideas on why hes just resting on the bottom of tank. could it be ich in his gills? or did he just over eat and dont want to move. i dont have a QT so he cant be pulled.
heres a update, i noticed last night that he has started moving more but stil not swimming, then i noticed that when he does move its as if he was scared, cause he satys right on the sandbed and moves quick. but he his running into the rocks and bumping his way around. then i noticed that his one eye has some cloudyness on it. is it possible that he is going or has gone blind? i put in some melafix because it says it helps with cloudy eye and pop eye. what else can i do to help a half blind fish.