Lunar Wrasse


I have a huge one they are real active and real hungry all the time. I have had him for a little over a year and it grew alot I would suggest a pretty big tank for swimming room and oh yeah he is the most aggressive in the tank.


Active Member
They are often called "lunatic wrasse" for a reason. They are quite active and often quite aggressive, needing a large tank. As I've said many times, I worked with one that would methodically and for no apparent reason eat the eyes (and only the eyes) out of yellow tangs.
It was extremely pleasant as he would do this to as many as were in the tank at the time, and even better because this was a public exhibit and it was hard to miss the eyeless yellow tangs floundering and dying on the bottom of the tank.
Beautiful fish, but ya takes your chances, IMO. :scared:


I agree a very aggresive fish that do love to swim around and reak havok. when I would put silversides and such in the tank he would kill as many as he could before he would even start eating them.
They are very pretty fish however.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lionfish1
I agree a very aggresive fish that do love to swim around and reak havok. when I would put silversides and such in the tank he would kill as many as he could before he would even start eating them.
They are very pretty fish however.

where do you find live silverslides?i have yet to find anyone that sells them live they are always frozen


Killing was more talking about (I know, I know)
Goldfish. However, the silversides were frozen, but he had to bite em all in half first before eating.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lionfish1
Killing was more talking about (I know, I know)
Goldfish. However, the silversides were frozen, but he had to bite em all in half first before eating.
damn i almost had a ray of hope finding live lol thanx for bursting my bubble


Well I hope he doesnt mess with my yellow tang, I would be upset, I think he spooked my dogface, cause last night it Puffed up sooo big, it was crazy, I definetly notice that its active, and he loves silversides,


I know what you mean you would think you could get them somewhere I mean i would have paid a little more for some live ones. (thinking of new money making scheme LOL)


Personally, I wouldn't keep a wrasse with another less docile fish.
One (not a Lunar-a Harliquin) Anyway, at one of the lfs' in our area, I had become attached to quite a good sized damsel, it had been in with our Picasso. After we got our Picasso, they put this wrasse in and the Damsels tail was gone, totally, after two weeks. I pointed it out to the owner, he said couldn't do anything right away, he had an emergency skimmer problem........... Needless to say, I may no longer enjoy watching that Damsel
I don't go to that store any more
Then at the other lfs, there is a Wrasse that is tormenting a Dog Face Puffer, biting it's tail.
The poor Puffer had his tail curled around and constantly swimming away from the wrasse. The wrasse won't go after anything else. There is a REAL LITTLE Niger in the tank, a couple Yellow Tangs, 2 Blue Jaws, and a couple other fish. Yet, it only chases the Puffer.
I am one of those irritating people, that when I find a fish in distress at our lfs', I point it out to the owners. My man gets embarrassed when I do it, but dang.............if they are going to have a business like that, they should be aware of what is going on in their tanks, don't ya think?
Anyway, I think Wrasse are very beautiful fish,
but they are mean little buggars...................Peace


This wrasse Genus, Thalassoma are all terroritoral and aggressive and should only be in large tanks(atleast 6 feet long) with other aggressive fish.
I have a Lunare from AUS.
Pretty sp!!, in with a Mini Grouper, Sargassum Trigger and a Clown Tang, for over a year.