Personally, I wouldn't keep a wrasse with another less docile fish.
One (not a Lunar-a Harliquin) Anyway, at one of the lfs' in our area, I had become attached to quite a good sized damsel, it had been in with our Picasso. After we got our Picasso, they put this wrasse in and the Damsels tail was gone, totally, after two weeks. I pointed it out to the owner, he said couldn't do anything right away, he had an emergency skimmer problem........... Needless to say, I may no longer enjoy watching that Damsel
I don't go to that store any more
Then at the other lfs, there is a Wrasse that is tormenting a Dog Face Puffer, biting it's tail.
The poor Puffer had his tail curled around and constantly swimming away from the wrasse. The wrasse won't go after anything else. There is a REAL LITTLE Niger in the tank, a couple Yellow Tangs, 2 Blue Jaws, and a couple other fish. Yet, it only chases the Puffer.
I am one of those irritating people, that when I find a fish in distress at our lfs', I point it out to the owners. My man gets embarrassed when I do it, but dang.............if they are going to have a business like that, they should be aware of what is going on in their tanks, don't ya think?
Anyway, I think Wrasse are very beautiful fish,
but they are mean little buggars...................Peace