lunare wrasse, can someone tell me about them?

I am very curious are these fish (wrasse) jumpers, I read that they can jump. But my LFS has a few very big ones with no cover and the owner tells they never jump. The wrasse are very beautiful house with a adult emperor.
I know they are a little aggressive, how would they do with a maroon gold stride clown and niger trigger.
I would to like to hear from owners of lunare wrasse or any other beautiful.
P.S. I have a 150 gallon tank, Please no comment about I need a 1000 gallon tank.


Active Member
Lunare is a great fish, it has three qualities I like in a fish...Hardy, Beautiful, and relatively inexpensive. I had my Lunare with a Maroon and Niger, and the three battled quite a bit in my 75, when I upgraded to 135, no more problems...At all. 150 should be great for them.
My tank was fully covered, so jumping was not an issue.
How old/big is your Emp.? Its #1 on my planned list for my next tank later this year.
kjr_trig, I choose the lunar for the exact same reason. I think I will need a cover though just in case.
I have the exact same fishes as you do

Niger, Maroon gold, emperor, and a my favorite 3 stride damsel (this guy refuses to die)
My emp is around juvi 4 inch (got it for 3 months), mines eat anything and does fight with my maroon (not my niger).
The bad part about empe is if any kind of ammonia spike (it will breath very fast) So is a good sign to change water.


Active Member
great hardy fish that can hold its own like stated above. mine will take a tale slap at the surface to get my attention but doesnt jump


i have/had the lunares wrasse with a niger, maroon clown, purple tang (believe it or not the meanest fish in the tank), bellus and japanese swallow tail angels for about 2 yrs. now.i got it when it was small(2 inches). once, it jumped (after being harassed by the purple tang from a 75 gal.)into a 20 gal.qt tank i had set up just behind the display tank. it must had been there at least 2 days before i realized that it was missing. it never jumped again after being moved into 120 gal. where it lives for almost 2 years. it out grew the 120, so i recently moved it to a 300 gal. tank at my friend's house, it is now about 10 inches and very active swimmer. it eats anything you put in. i assume you don't have any clams (even a 7 inch derasa became his midnight snack), shrimps, snails, crabs, or hemits ( yes including the giant ones)....if you do , you won't have them long after the lunares gets big. but it doesn't seem to bother(larger than 4-5 inch)/or be bothered by any other fish. i can't blame it on the lunares alone but i didn't have any fish smaller than 2-3 inches left in that same tank.


Active Member
mean little things they are. Mine has never jumped, or even come close, and It is not covered. I have had it hide in LR and show up in the new tank I put the lr in a few days later.
I think you'll be ok with your fish list, my tomato clown doesn't take crap from it, but my lawnmower (rip) didn't survive the bullying of the lunar.
Between my puffer and the lunar, there are only one or two surviving inverts in the tank.


Originally Posted by 3stripedamsel a cover is not necessary.
thanks guys
well mine jumped out 2 times!! ,I heard him both times flopp'in on the floor and was able to get him back in the tank , then I put plastic screen over the top , no more monkey's jump'in on the.........oops , sorry I have kid's