Lunare Wrasse & Starfish


Better yet, get the Lunare Wrasse out of your 40G!!! That fish is going to get WAY too big for a 40. You're just asking for trouble with that setup. :(



Originally posted by Dugan
Better yet, get the Lunare Wrasse out of your 40G!!! That fish is going to get WAY too big for a 40. You're just asking for trouble with that setup. :(

Why's that? He's been in this tank for 4 years and has been just fine. If I follow the rule of 1 inch of fish for every 5 gallons, and he is 5 inches then according to the "rules" it is adequate.
Better yet:
Will he eat a sand-sifter starfish? (my original question):)
I once tried to add an orange linkia to my tank w a lunare wrasse, and it was ripped to shreads. I got the starfish out in about 5 min, but 3 of its legs were already gone. Same went for snails. LOL


Thanks Michael, based on your experience, I will assume the same would happen to the sand-sifter. I will wait till the wrasse is in his bigger tank and then put the sifter in this one.
I did purchase 2 red-leg reef hermits a month ago and put them in with him, the LFS said he would eat them, but he hasn't yet. One of them has even taken on a larger shell.
Thanks again


I had a Lunar and a sand sifter in a 65gal. If the lunar was intoduced with other might be able to get away with it. On the other hand, the wrasse would eat all of my clams and snails. I did not think that even a 65gal. was enough space for this fish. I would find another home for the wrasse before you have the same problem I had.........that fish ate everyting.


I agree with NJbluefish.
I have a Lunare in a tank with a sand sifting and chocolate chip starfish and the only thing he seems interested in are the hermits and dinner :)
I also agree with the lack of tank size for him in your case. This fish spend all day swimming in the wild and are VERY active. I house mine in a 90-gallon (4 feet long and 4 feet high) with him only being about 6 inches right now and feel it's not enough. I will be moving him to a 125 (6 feet long) in the new year and down the road probably to the 150 gallon.
A phrase a wise aquarist said once: There is a big difference between SURVIVE and THRIVE. Sure you can house a German Shepard in a closet it's whole life....


Thanks for the responses...
He will be moving to a 100 gallon tank once it's set up and ready to go. I would like to have some clean-up crews in there but like you mentioned, I don't want them to turn into fish food!


I wouldn't put anything you even THINK is vulnerable with a lunare. Mine is the most aggressive fish in my tank. Even worse than my eels!
When is have added either a new fish or snail to my tank, I wait until after dark and the wrasse is sleeping to put them in. This seems to work out well.