Lunare Wrasse


Active Member
Does anybody have any info on the lunare wrasse?
Are they aggressive?
What size tank do they need?
Does anybody have some pics of theirs?


i have no problems, i even keep him w/ shrimps. he is SOOOO cool! but seriously they are nice attractive fish.


Active Member
would it get along with a blue hippo tang, a yellow tang, a pair of tomato clowns and a copperbanded butterfly?


I love any wrasse of the Thalassoma genus...they are all so awesome; Lunar, sunset, hardwicke, five stripe (I WOULD LOVE TO GET ONE), etc. No experience with them, but I just wanted to put my two cents in


Active Member
.. i have a very nice looking lunnare wrass.. he is really cool.. love him man.. keeps my tank loking really active.. i mean.. he never stops swimming.. anyhow.. yes the are mean.. dont let any 1 fool you that they are not.. and they are jummpers too.. so have a lid on your tank.. anyhow... my 6'' lunnare punks my 5.5 tusk around soo.. that tells you how mean they can get... look for the fish on this site's livestock section.. they give perdy good info on the fish
(aggressivness/feeding/tank size..)


I agreed to babysit my friends lunare wrasse until they moved into their new house. I am keeping him in my 10g quarantine tank because it would be impossible to get him back out of my 75 reef. It has been a little longer than expected but has been great with my fish I kept in there. I kept my 2 small false percs and 3" Achilles in there until I was satisfied they were healthy. Even when eating or when they come near him "bed", he never bothers them. I think he's a great fish. My friend keeps him in a 55g fowlr because he kept eating all the snails, crabs, and shrimp.


Active Member
... all im saying is that my 6'' lunnare beat the crap out of my 5.5'' harliqiun tusk..( chewed up both fins 1/2 way.. chomped at his eye.. it became white and cloudy.. for 1 week then cured to normal) anyhow... if u dont think tusk are mean as is.. heh.. mines chew on my live rock.. (literally chew a peice off) thenn spits it out it out on the sand.....l


Dang! Does his head turn all the way around once in a while too? Sounds like he and my albino oscar would have a lot in common.

kart racer

I love my lunare. Had him about 3 weeks now. Very rarely stops swimming. He looks like a pinball at feeding time. All over the tank. Never bothered anything in my tank and nothing bothers him. Here he is.


i got a lunare wrasse, he is 8" at the moment, but he is not agressive to any of my fish at all, but he does make you buy more food than the other usual fish.
he is doing fine with all of my fish,but he eats all my snails.
I have ...
2 clown fish
1 blue damsel
2 green chromis
1 3 striped damsel
1 fire hawk fish
1 pincushion urchin
1 weird fish like called a swordfish or something.
1 lunare wrasse.
Not agressive at all. but he is active.


Active Member
Commonly also called the "lunatic wrasse." I don't necessarily think they would mess with those fish but I wouldn't put them, IMO, in anything under a 125 to start. My experience with one was having one that instantly and always immediately ate the eyes out of any yellow tang put it with him. In one night I think it nailed a good half dozen that were put in with him.


Active Member
oh ok, then i guess i wont be getting one. i love my yellow tang. thanks for the advice guys im hoping to setup an aggressive setup eventually and hopefully ill be able to get one then.


What do you guys think about other Thalassoma wrasses, are they just as aggressive? Certainly they're are just as beautiful in my opinion. A sunset wrasse is ironically very similar to the lunar in appearance. And here's the five stripe, possibly my favorite wrasse:


I've had my lunar wrasse about a year. He lived in harmony with my 8" harliqiun tusk. Till he grew big enough to kill him. Other than that he doesn't bother my triggers, tangs or puffer. He just won't stop swimming. He's not a relaxing fish to watch. He's all over the tank at break neck speed. I like his colors but damn he's gotta slow down! He'll out eat everything. He's fast.


Active Member
yeah!! they swim a lot!! thats y i love them so... they keep the tank too active like.... ohh yeah.. lunnare tend to burry thereself in the sand a lot.. just wondering how long do you guy's stay burried for.... friggin lunatic wrass