lunare wrasse??


I just recieved my lunare wrasse,, and without thinking i setup a Qt for it without any sand. I forgot they need a sand bottem to bury themselves in at night. Will he be ok in there for a few days.. or should i just tos him in my display now

sinner's girl

They need sand? Can't have cc? Just asking because that's on my list, and I have cc not ls.


I called mine "lulu" beacuse he was crazy.
He dug holes in the sand, under rocks, but was also content just hiding in the rocks.
I never saw hm bury himself in the sand, but i only had him a week.
He was just to crazy (and active) and fought with the other fish, so I returned him.
Good luck...

sinner's girl

What fish did yours fight with? I was told he would be okay with a pair of clowns...
Sorry to highjack your post Emporer.


He actually fought a lot with my perc clown.
The clown never backed down though, he is a tough little guy.
They actually would ram side to side into each other (like bumper cars).
The clown would even chase the wrasse later during fights (though the wrasse seemed to pick the fight), it was crazy to watch!
Good luck.....