Lunare Wrasse



Hello I have a lunare head wrasse and for the last few days he has been awfully subdued. He used to be swimming all over now he just sits at the bottom of the tank. He will come up to eat though, just don't know whats wrong no spots or discoloration either. all my water test are ok no nitrites no nitrates no amonia and PH is 8.2. Thanks for any help


Active Member
do you have any fish that may be picking on it they are aggressive but something like a trigger could be harrassing it


New Member
Well he not like mine, that I have had for 2 weeks. He doesn't stop swimming till the lights go off. He also eats like a pig (silversides,shrimp,nori,scallops)
I'm curous about adding another fish after him, I'll have to see how that goes. Here is a pic of him, I really couldn't get a good picture because he want quit swimming..... not that it matters but he's in a 150gal.



He used to swim all over and be real aggressive but lately just doscile. I have a lion fish and a grouper but they don't seem to pick on him he is the one that used to do the picking. Going on 7 days now no change in color, there has been no color problem, but he still eating ok.