Lunear Wrassae


I have a Lunear Wrasse and it seems aggressive, does anyone have info on this fish and personality????


Active Member
i was planning on getting one of these untill i found out they are mean lil devils....good luck with him


Active Member
they need alot of room to swim around, their active lifestyle can stress out other fish, can be aggressive to fish smaller than it, and good jumpers, also will eat inverts


i have one and he was the last fish added to my tank. he is not agressive toward any of my fish. the first two days him and my damsels went back and forth bullying each other but now they all swim in piece with no problems.


Active Member
what joker said is just about it... they like to jump and swim a lot!!.. there bullies so.. if they can bully anything.. then he will.. even fish the same size as it will get bullied sometimes.. cuzz they can do a hit and run thing.. they swimm so fast and all.. they eat just about anything that can fit in it's mouth. i love this fish.. soo awsome!! always moving and keeping my tank active


I have one also... I think its one of the biggest bargains for the Buck.
A great fish for a community or aggressive tank. you will have to put some extra food at feeding time.. because they are soo fast and will eat alot. feed krill also ,, keeps the teeth shaved down.


Wish i had never seen this bugger, eating all the hermit crabs, i find legs, know it's not the clowns or damsil. Has to be the wrasse...Trying to catch him but he is too fast. Should I get rid of him or just keep adding snails and crabs???


Active Member
try what i did... add the snails and stuff when lights are out.. then leave the lights off for the next day.. that will give the inverts time to get use to the tank and try to make a 'safe place' i did that and how all my snails are nocturnal.. they only sometimes come out in the day.. and when they do.. it's a 50/50 chance of liveing or dieing..


i just saw a juvinile lunar wrasse shred a green chromis to death. Sadly I was too late to save it. I put it in another tank. But he died and the owner threw it away


Active Member
I've often told the story of one I worked with that was in a large tank - a couple of thousand gallons, but it would methodically eat the eyes out of yellow tangs. Could hit one after the other, killing I think 6 or 7 at one time if I recall. A nightmare, earning the other common name of "lunatic" wrasse.