Is Nori or seeweed sheets the stuff that we get in dry sheets at the fish store... or totally different stuff?? Or same basic idea??
I have the dried seeweed and i have been ripping a piece off and wetting it with selcon (zoe) and sometimes garlic juice for a change just to keep the old immune systems up
I dont think he eats it though?? Is he suposed to??
I have been feeding him or all of them twice a day..Before the Anthias I was feeding just in the am... I dont want to have my trates go up. I am adding an extra water change just to help out when I see it climb past 20 or 30.... This should keep things in check!
I deally, I would like to keep them below or at 10
How many of your tanks actually stay at 10 or below??
Thanking you kindly, Kim