
Active Member
Pink Square Anthias for sure. :) Gorgeous fish Kim.........get ready for lots of feedings to keep up with that guy.
Thank you!:D
He is a pink square anthias,, I have never seen one so bright and with so many colorful spots on his tail and fins.. Love this fish!!
I am feeding him, brine, marine cuisine, mysis enriched with vibrance, veggie pellets, krill and lettuce.. is there anything else he should be eating???
Thanking you kindly, Kim


Active Member
That should work great Kim. Just mix a little bit of the plankton in with the regular food you are serving and they will get more neutrients out of it. :)


Instead of lettuce, try Nori (Seaweed). Lettuce has no nutritional value whatsover. Nori is the stuff they wrap sushi with. I found it in local grocery store.
Just a thought
Is Nori or seeweed sheets the stuff that we get in dry sheets at the fish store... or totally different stuff?? Or same basic idea??
I have the dried seeweed and i have been ripping a piece off and wetting it with selcon (zoe) and sometimes garlic juice for a change just to keep the old immune systems up :D
I dont think he eats it though?? Is he suposed to??
I have been feeding him or all of them twice a day..Before the Anthias I was feeding just in the am... I dont want to have my trates go up. I am adding an extra water change just to help out when I see it climb past 20 or 30.... This should keep things in check!
I deally, I would like to keep them below or at 10 :rolleyes:
How many of your tanks actually stay at 10 or below??
Thanking you kindly, Kim


Very vibrant colours! I have heard that you have to get these fish in pairs to make them happy!
I heard that too.... BUT, They can do fine alone if not in a really BIG tank... A school of those would be magnificent! I only have a 75G!!:rolleyes:
Geesh, I need to upgrade!!! I have 5 tanks already..LOL
I KNOW my hubby would NOT stand for another.. although he did say he wanted a built in one when we finish the basement...
IThat pic didnt even show his pretty details..