Mac or PC


Originally Posted by Saraja87
Did they not buy apple care? No company will fix your products for free if you don't get a warranty on it! They replaced my logic board when it broke within 2 days no hassle. When it broke again, they replaced my whole laptop and I had a new one within 3 days. I have not had a single problem with my apple desktops or my laptop previous to this one, which they took care of quickly and efficiently.
The problem is even the replacements had problems...I have a customer that I replaced the same board 4 times under warranty, then when it was out of warranty they said Sorry its outta warranty. It stems from a faulty board design,they should have re engineered the board.


Active Member
I've got a four-year-old Mac and it's never crashed once, and it's basically on all day every day. I'll never, ever buy a PC.


Originally Posted by rbaldino
I've got a four-year-old Mac and it's never crashed once, and it's basically on all day every day. I'll never, ever buy a PC.

Ditto pretty much word for word.
The mac has incredible graphics, and photoshop abilities, tis true, but even for normal everyday internet use, school papers, discussion forums etc, the mac is awesome.
It is more expensive, but I truly believe you get what you pay for.
And if you NEEDED windows for something...


Active Member
can you run AOL instant messinger on a mac?
and all the normal websites like myspace and facebook, how does a mac manage not to get virus' or spyware from them? just wondering im not quite clear :]


Originally Posted by teen
pc. i dont really like macs, but everybody always brags about them

Exactly what I think.


I only buy laptops. After having 6 pc in 2 years all having major issues i got a macbook pro. I have had it for over a year and no issues. If you think about it the pc is made from many companys parts one does the mother board another the optical drive another the hard drive and so on all theis parts have to be made to work together, In a mac mac makes the optical drive the harddrive the mother board and everytihg else so there is nothing needed to make them work together. So this i belive is part of the reason macs are better. Also less macs are out there so none of the hackers waist there time making virus for them.
I will never have another pc again after getting my mac.


Active Member
Originally Posted by teen
pc. i dont really like macs, but everybody always brags about them

I'm on board too... I dont see what all the hype is about.


Originally Posted by c42480
I only buy laptops. After having 6 pc in 2 years all having major issues i got a macbook pro. I have had it for over a year and no issues. If you think about it the pc is made from many companys parts one does the mother board another the optical drive another the hard drive and so on all theis parts have to be made to work together, In a mac mac makes the optical drive the harddrive the mother board and everytihg else so there is nothing needed to make them work together. So this i belive is part of the reason macs are better. Also less macs are out there so none of the hackers waist there time making virus for them.
I will never have another pc again after getting my mac.

This couldn't be further from the truth, mac simply designs their motherboards, They use HitachiGS, Toshiba, & Maxtor HDD's they use Pioneer, LG, and NEC/Sony optical drives. Pretty much every item is purchased just like dell, hp, etc. The best IDE/SATA drives I have yet to see in a mac, which is Western Digital, whenever we replace a drive we us a WD.
BTW: Their LCD screens are LG, Sharp,Fujitsu & Phillips


Originally Posted by Tizzo
Ditto pretty much word for word.
The mac has incredible graphics, and photoshop abilities, tis true, but even for normal everyday internet use, school papers, discussion forums etc, the mac is awesome.
It is more expensive, but I truly believe you get what you pay for.
And if you NEEDED windows for something...

Macs have been able to run windows for what...a year? PC's have been able to run mac o/s for 5+ years,


Originally Posted by JacknJill
can you run AOL instant messinger on a mac?
and all the normal websites like myspace and facebook, how does a mac manage not to get virus' or spyware from them? just wondering im not quite clear :]
Yes you can run many programs that are ported to MAC OS. Mac's don't have the virus problem, because virus writers do it to affect the masses, its the reason there are a tenth as many programs...if you were in business selling a product, would you like that product to appeal to 100 people or 100000 people.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TangWhispr
Macs have been able to run windows for what...a year? PC's have been able to run mac o/s for 5+ years,
They had Virtual PC when I got my Mac over four years ago, so I don't know what you're talking about.
The bottom line is that people who don't "get" Macs haven't used them enough. Ask anyone who's switched from a PC to a Mac if they'd ever go back...


Originally Posted by rbaldino
They had Virtual PC when I got my MAc over four years ago, so I don't know what you're talking about.
The bottom line is that people who don't "get" Macs haven't used them enough. Ask anyone who's switched from a PC to a Mac if they'd ever go back...

I should have stated, run it natively without an for switching never, I have both, and my company services both, I would never switch, and i use my PCs much more frequently. If you saw my side of it on a daily basis you'd never use one.


If the question was to just get a concensus between the two, you'll get arguments from both sides which is superior. If you're looking for a machine to purchase, then the big question is, what do you want/need to do with a computer system? Mac's have kicked it up a notch going with the Intel chip. Makes it easier to use their virtual programs to run any software you want. However, when you compare hardware options between a Mac and a PC, you'll find the add-ons and upgrades on a Mac are somewhat limited, and the Mac product line is around 30% more expensive than most PC manufacturers. I just built a high-end gaming PC with all the bells and whistles, and it cost me around $2500. A comparable Mac, if you could even get some of my devices to work on it, would cost close to $3500 - $4000. So what it boils down to is what you want to do with it, and how much money do you want to spend. If you want the Direct X graphics and the awesome games that are starting to come out, don't touch a Mac (unless you buy their 'gaming machine', which is big bucks). It you want to do CAD, visual graphics, photo and movie editing, and your typical word processing, the Mac wins hands down. However, I still can't get used to that one-button mouse thing.


Originally Posted by rudedog40
If the question was to just get a concensus between the two, you'll get arguments from both sides which is superior. If you're looking for a machine to purchase, then the big question is, what do you want/need to do with a computer system? Mac's have kicked it up a notch going with the Intel chip. Makes it easier to use their virtual programs to run any software you want. However, when you compare hardware options between a Mac and a PC, you'll find the add-ons and upgrades on a Mac are somewhat limited, and the Mac product line is around 30% more expensive than most PC manufacturers. I just built a high-end gaming PC with all the bells and whistles, and it cost me around $2500. A comparable Mac, if you could even get some of my devices to work on it, would cost close to $3500 - $4000. So what it boils down to is what you want to do with it, and how much money do you want to spend. If you want the Direct X graphics and the awesome games that are starting to come out, don't touch a Mac (unless you buy their 'gaming machine', which is big bucks). It you want to do CAD, visual graphics, photo and movie editing, and your typical word processing, the Mac wins hands down. However, I still can't get used to that one-button mouse thing.
True although i don't think autodesk produces autocad for macs, and to my knowledge there isn't a cad app that uses .dwg on a mac