Mac OS X Lion?


Active Member
I currently have a MacBook Pro and i heard about the new OS apple has released. The new "lion" is supposed to be amazing for just $30. I was curious to anybody who got OS X lion, is it worth the $30? Or should i stick with OS X Snow Leopard? Thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blackjacktang http:///forum/thread/386826/mac-os-x-lion#post_3399748
I currently have a MacBook Pro and i heard about the new OS apple has released. The new "lion" is supposed to be amazing for just $30. I was curious to anybody who got OS X lion, is it worth the $30? Or should i stick with OS X Snow Leopard? Thanks!
I've heard it is worth it, but I don't run an apple.


Active Member
Hi, fellow Mac.
A lot of my friends work at Apple & they've been running Lion for a while, now... They REALLY seem to like it! I'll be upgrading next month. : )


Active Member
If every Mac melted in the laps of the devoted, they would still buy them faithfully(pun intended). Toyota and Apple, the two brands that can do whatever they want because the faithful will have no other gods er brands before them.