Macro Algae in the DT!!!!


Active Member
Actually, I was picking around in the LR bin and came across caulerpa that I didn't have... suction cup. Every single LFS around her has caulerpa in their stores, both invasive and not. And no, the laws are not the same for every state and not even the same within cities in the same state. Living in California I have to be up on what I can and cannot share with friends.
I have no idea what it's like in other states, but here Caulerpa is everywhere. I've had this discussion with LFSs because I've been involved in compliance locally with the handling and creating "safe spots" for drop offs for hobbyists who don't want to deal. So many people have dumped the hobby lately, that the stores don't need to import rock because they are getting established rock from torn down tanks very cheap. It's funny to see "Fiji Rock" with epoxy and frag plugs on them.... ya from Figi with a pit stop.

scopus tang

Active Member
OP, as was stated, if its on multiple rocks, persistence in picking it out is the only thing that is going to get rid of it - that and removing as many nutrients as possible to slow/inhibit the growth. Its not something you're going to accomplish overnight. If possible, physically remove the rock from the aquarium and go over it with a pair of tweezers. Good luck



Originally Posted by florida joe
A better picture is needed there are other types of caulerpa that have that blade look.
if you'll note, the words "appears to be"
were in my original post. which means based on what i can see in the pic...yes, the photos leave much to be desired.
as for the grape-type Caulerpa sp., not all, but most of them that one is likely to come across in the hobby are a variant of C. racemosa
and are similar in their invasive nature.
at any rate, i think the OP is more concerned with eradicating the macro than really what it is, so in a way, species is a moot point. i do agree that freezing the rock for at least 24 hrs will do the trick if it can be done, but personally, i wouldn't bleach it as the macro will indeed be dead. i would, however, give it a scrubbing to remove any dieoff.


Active Member
Saxman, this is Joe I talk about. Joe this is hubby Saxman - who's not suppose to be posting on here *bats eye-lashes*

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Hello sax man, we all have our crosses to bear
. As far as the freezing and bleaching is concerned as long as the OP is taking the time to remove the rock and freeze it IMO he might as well sterilize it and kill anything that just remains dormant at freezing temps


it's a pleasure, Joe. :)
Saxman - who's not suppose to be posting on here *bats eye-lashes*
just to explain...while Renee and i are both active on several forums, sometimes only one of us typically posts on certain ones just so we're not always associated together everywhere (kind of a personal identity thing), plus it gives us a little bit of space. that being said, sometimes while lurking, we either forget where we are (funny how all the aquarium forums are shades of blue) or post at each others' request since each of us has our strong subjects. i think between us we have over 60 years in the aquarium hobby, and that has been a really great thing for both of us.
*back to lurking*

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by saxman
it's a pleasure, Joe. :)
just to explain...while Renee and i are both active on several forums, sometimes only one of us typically posts on certain ones just so we're not always associated together everywhere (kind of a personal identity thing), plus it gives us a little bit of space. that being said, sometimes while lurking, we either forget where we are (funny how all the aquarium forums are shades of blue) or post at each others' request since each of us has our strong subjects. i think between us we have over 60 years in the aquarium hobby, and that has been a really great thing for both of us.
*back to lurking*
I have been accused of lurking or is it Letching in any event we can always use a few good men
Its on all of my rocks but two. The vines tend to grow out to the other rocks over night before i can slap them and yell NO!! BAD ALGAE!!! My camera is being a butt lately so its hard to take pictures. I have posted this about 6 months ago and the only advice give to me was pick at it with tweezers, try a fuge, and tank. WELL i have done two of those. NO matter how much i pick at it, it always comes back. Joe i really value your help, i know im asking too much with little to give. I cant just clenze my rocks they all have corals on them. Well four of them dont but those i have gotten most of it off. Its the ones with the corals on it that i have trouble getting at. Do you think more emrald crabs will help? I need to go pick up some more snails this weekend so i might pick up one more EC.
Originally Posted by spanko
I have a 29 biocube. It had a caulerpa outbreak. I went through I think 5 foxface before I got it under control. I would buy them at 1.5" or so and turn them in at about 3" or so for store credit.
Well I have two stores here that i can buy from. One has new management and has gone WAY down hill. I liked it better when it was junky and a hole in the wall. The other is a mega store saltwater store so it can be kinda expensive. Most of their FF are too big.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Ok this is just me. At this point I would go the most aggressive path. Take all my rocks out of my tank. Remove all the corals for the rocks as best I can. Freeze the rocks killing the caulerpa. Replace the rock and let nature take its course. In the long run IMO its the best way

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by florida joe
Ok this is just me. At this point I would go the most aggressive path. Take all my rocks out of my tank. Remove all the corals for the rocks as best I can. Freeze the rocks killing the caulerpa. Replace the rock and let nature take its course. In the long run IMO its the best way
Oh Joe, I do so hate to see you give in to peer pressure like that. You and I both know that in truth, given the "old" aquarist that you are, that what you would really do is bleach them all, not freeze them

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Scopus Tang
Oh Joe, I do so hate to see you give in to peer pressure like that. You and I both know that in truth, given the "old" aquarist that you are, that what you would really do is bleach them all, not freeze them
Yes Randy as you know I am a big fan of bleaching. However it seems when you mention the word bleach hobbyists get upset. Freezing will kill caulerpa and the idea of employing it seems to make people feel better
Well my gsp will not come off i guess i can frag it. but its gotten to be so pretty. And my zoas that have survived a nano crash are now starting to take off again. Sad day. I think i will get another emerald crab and pick at it for another week or so. Then if it still isnt as bad as it seems i will freeze them. Is there s a special urchin that will eat it more than others? I will freeze as a last resort. And im close to it. How long do i freeze it? over night?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Bountyhunter23
Well my gsp will not come off i guess i can frag it. but its gotten to be so pretty. And my zoas that have survived a nano crash are now starting to take off again. Sad day. I think i will get another emerald crab and pick at it for another week or so. Then if it still isnt as bad as it seems i will freeze them. Is there s a special urchin that will eat it more than others? I will freeze as a last resort. And im close to it. How long do i freeze it? over night?
IMO you are fighting a losing battle. IMO you will eventually drop the freeze bomb on the algae. Leave it in your freezer for 24 hrs


Active Member
I had a little bit come on a piece of rock and I kept after it with a tweezers pulling as much root as possible.
You have A LOT. Some people recommend it for their sumps for nutrient export... which is all fine and dandy until it reaches the main tank.
I hate the stuff (not as much as you) and if a foxface/tweezers are a lost cause it sucks but you'll probably have to break down and freeze it.