macro algae

dark angel

Ok ... I've heard the debates between plants and macro algae, and all that for water quality. and yes im still very new to this, so here a stupid question. What is macro algae, and what does it look like. Its not the same thing as coral line algae is it ??


I also would like to know how to get some macro algea started in my Refuge. I cycled it and nothing has happened for about a month. What should I do???
Also for pods. How do I get them started This is the same take I am trying to get Macro to grow in if that makes a difference.
I have NO fish and I have 36" moon lighting. What should I do???
Thx for the help


Active Member
Coraline is not a macro.
There are varios types of macro algaes - each with a different look. Each has it's pitfalls and advantages. Spaghetti macro algae, shaving brush and Ulva (lettuce) seem to be good ones. I like Halimeda but it likes calcium. Caulerpa has issues IMO and I would avoid it.
Some macros may take off and some won't depending on lighting and water conditions.
Provide it light (not too intense) and a place to grow, preferably a refugium - display tanks are not a good place IMO. Don't expect it to fix all your problems and prune regurally.
Lighting oppsosite of your display in a refugium will assist with keeping pH stabalized.

dark angel

Oh ... ok thanks, I got some of that in there too then. Just wasn't sure what the difference between plant life and macro algae was. LOL
One of our LFS gives it away free when you buy LR. They have two kinds, one is the grape looking stuff, the other is flat, and has like small round leaves going all the way up it.
Dont have a whole lot in our tank as i hate the way it looks. LOL will add more when we get our 75 gal reef ready w/sump.
Thanks again


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Unknown
I also would like to know how to get some macro algea started in my Refuge. I cycled it and nothing has happened for about a month. What should I do???
Also for pods. How do I get them started This is the same take I am trying to get Macro to grow in if that makes a difference.
I have NO fish and I have 36" moon lighting. What should I do???
Thx for the help

Generally, if you get some macros you also get some pods. My pods just seemed to come from nowhere.
I did add a gammarus seed culture though.
you can try the shaving brushes or blades from this site. They do ship as livestock which is good. People in your area are probably just tossing some each month so they may give you some free. you also could try an ---- or google search for saltwater plants or macro algae. Finally you could email me for some comercial links.
Macros in your fuge will make a difference.


Active Member
The grape stuff is most likely grape caulerpa(Caulerpa racemosa) and can get out of hand quickly. If it ever starts to turn white or milky take it out ASAP.
They other may be what is called money plant or coin halimdeda.
It can munch calcium pretty quickly.

dark angel

Our Cal test kits i dont really like.... its the one where the sheet starts pink then you keep adding drops tell it turns orange, then add up the total number of A drops, and X 50 to get your ppm.
Only problem with that is, the change between 8 and 10 drops dont really change the color much, but 8 drops total would be be 400 ppm and 10 would be 500 ppm. lol our total usually sits between 8 - 9 both exactly the same color. So its somewhere between 400 and 450 ppm, just cant get an exact number like 420 ect. with this type of test. But were doing ok as long as it stays between those numbers. (I think anyway) :)


Well-Known Member
dark: my first cal test kit was just like that. Got it on sale.
Finally got a kit that had a resolution of 10-20 ppm. And it has a 400ppm test sample so I could check the kit (and the way I use it). You might want to get one like that. Much better to know you are at 425+-20ppm then 400+-50ppm.