macro algae?


Active Member
the macro in my fuge is turning brownish purple and looks wierd. its not really grean anymore....what is causing this? too much light? its only a 20 w bulb. it isnt really growning alot either. i believe it is chaeto. it is really stringy stuff. what is wrong wiht it?

sign guy

Active Member
could be alot of things. what kelvin is your bulb? What is the gph of the fuge and how dose the water flow through the fuge?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
could be alot of things. what kelvin is your bulb? What is the gph of the fuge and how dose the water flow through the fuge?
i have a powerhead blwoing water in my fuge. and i can see some movement in the fuge. but my fuge is a 2.5 g plastic tank that i drilled like 200 little holes in and i havea sand bed alot with the chaeto. the powerhead is like 3 " away from the fuge an dit blows water through the holes.
thanks for the reply. any help will be great!


Active Member
oh and the 2.5g fuge is sitting in a 30g sump with etts skimmer and dyi wet dry i made. the water movement seems pretty good but maybe its not getting into the fuge good enough?


Active Member
Originally Posted by sign guy
make sure the PH is tumbling the chato
so it should just be blowing all around? maybe i need to get a tiny power head and actually stick it in the fuge? but then the cheato will get blown into the wall right? hmm////


Chaeto does NOT need to tumble or get blown around. So long there is circulation/flow through in the sump/fuge you will be ok. As far as it turning colors? Not to sure on that. Is there any of the same color on the sand or rocks in the part where the chaeto is??


Why do ALOT of people say that cheato has to be tumbled and blown around? I have a large ammount of it and plenty of waterflow thru it and it does just fine...It isnt dead or turning weird colors. Just curious why people say it HAS to be tumbled...

sign guy

Active Member
people say it needs to be tumbeld because they have seen there chato do much better when your fuge replicates chatos natural enviroment. It just dose better


I just get less scum buildup around the cheato now that it's tumbling a little under a powerfilter outflow. It used to just float or sink in one position so that there was a definate top and a definate bottom to the clump. It was scummy on top and a nice green underneath. So far, after plucking all the red scum off, it's still green all over.

sign guy

Active Member
I've noticed that since my chato has been tumbling that its not a glob of wiry stuff but it is more loose and free flowing, it also grows faster whaen tumbling


Active Member
it looks foamy kinda, and browning purple. in my dt, it is perfectly clear and no algae whatsoever...


Well I'm sorry to say but that would be the slime algae.. It might be the Red calcareouse algae. Or the blue algae... There is also Diatomaceous algae but I don't think thats it!.. I would try to suck it all up the best that you can and see if it comes back.. And maybe someone else can help you too.. :notsure:


The deep brown algae and the red calcareous algae are very important species for reef growth. On the natural reef thay are known as reef-building algae because as thay grow thay bind together loose portions of the reef, making it a much more stable structure. In a aquarium thay perform the same sort of service and in addition to this the algae will cover much of the aquarium with attractive, sometimes plate-shaped, growths. These growths do not in any way disrupt or disturb the development of the hard or soft corals.
Apart from being attractive, these algae perform an important service by removing nitrate from the water and in addition, when thay are present in large quantities, can provide an extra haven for fish and invertebrates. When these algae are present in the aquarium they are good indication of general stabilization of the environment!


I thought it was important to remove this stuff, now somebody says it's GOOD to leave it. I'm confused.