Macro Alge Wont Survive

ron maas

New Member
Over the last year I have tried unsuccessfully at 3 different time to grow macros in my sump. They get good flow in the center of 3 chambers in a 30 gal sump, 10 hours of light. They continue to desolve away while my fish are doing well. On this last attempt I placed the alge in a tupperware container with holes in it and attached it at the top of the tank - still disolving away.
Any ideas to help me out?


Well what are your water perimeters? and how long did it take for them to die? also what kind were you buying?

ron maas

New Member
on my last attempt, I placed the algae, 6in below my MH light when it was in the tupperware bowl at the top of the tank, still dissolving.
Prior to that, I had a standard plant light on top of the sump.


Active Member
you're cooking it.
what type of algae? there's a spiral compact flourescent spotlight shaped bulb model number 1p3816 that works wonders on growing macroalgae in sumps


You most likley cooked it.You need a bulb with a spectrum of 5500k-6500k. I use two bulbes from Homedepot about 6" up. See picture.


Active Member
Yes I agree it sounds like you are over-lighting and cooking it. Mine is in a converted wet-dry to fuge sump contraption with only a 6500 K 60 watt PC above the plastic cover in the center area of mine and it grows like weeds......
To much heat directly on the Chaeto, especially when in the Tupperware bowl. It would seem that would have acted like a "Lens" concentrating both heat and light on it.
For me,good Chaeto growth just takes a fast flow and moderate light.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
PO4 at 0 and Trates at 0 its just probably starving.Why is your salinity @1.028? If your using Oceanic salt its possible that it may be a magnesium issue.


Active Member
Yes, 1.028 is high. If you are using a Hydrometer as opposed to the much more accurate Refactometer and your Hydro is off a bit, just a couple of hundrends, like most all are, your SG may be too high too.......1.025 or .06 would be a better level to maintain.