macro algea


Active Member
I have obtained some macro algea from my LFS and I was wondering how to place it in my aquarium. Do I just let it float around of wedged in betwwen the rocks? Will it take root on the rocks?
Please help


Active Member
Tie it to a rock and will root itself.
What kind did you get?
Most grows really fast and you need to prune it like every 3 weeks so it wont go sexual.
good luck


Active Member
I have some Caulerpa racemosa, and some Caulerpa sertuarioides. The first one looks like green berries and the second one looks like palm fronds.


Active Member
If the caulerpa goes sexual, it will cause a huge release of spores in teh tank, possibly causing an algae bloom of great proportion

fish fry

You might get a bloom of undesirable algae. The macro alage filters the water and removes undesirable things, (Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate, Phosphate) If there is no more macro alage this things will pollute the water and possible cause an alage bloom.
Also when the alage crashes it releases some of what it has absorbed back into the water.
Fish Fry


cant you stop algae from going sexual by keeping the lights on 24/7? i was under the immpression that you could