Macroalgae - Light = ?


Will macroalgae live in an environment without light? Does it depend on the type? What type can I use that does not require light?
I have some macroalgae/plant life in my tank that the LFS called "dead mans fingers". Is this a plant? Macroalgae? I have not been able to find info on this stuff anywhere.
generally depends on the type of macroalgee. Might want to research it a little bit by searching it on google. a safe bet is a 50/50 daylight/actinic light. Or ay ratio of the two. the actnic light is beneficial for photosynthetic invertebrates. It will cast of a blue light, but that is normal for it. More imnportant though is the intensity of the light rated in kelvin. Denpending on weither the invert is a deep water or not anywhere between 10,000-20,000k would most likely work


If I am thinking of the right thing there is a non-photo coral caalled dead mans fingers but I can remember the other name for them.


does it look like these .
Anthozoa Alcyonacea Briareidae Briareum asbestinum Corky Sea Finger, Deadman's Fingers


Nope, the dead man's fingers I have is a green spongy plant like alga. I found it on google actually just a few minutes ago. It requires low to medium light.
I'm trying to find something I can throw in the back of my aquapod where there is no light.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sfoister
Nope, the dead man's fingers I have is a green spongy plant like alga. I found it on google actually just a few minutes ago. It requires low to medium light.
I'm trying to find something I can throw in the back of my aquapod where there is no light.
What do you want it to do? Many people use live rock rubble for the extra bio-filtration and pod habitat.