Macroalgaes, good for tank?



I recently bought some Grape Caulerpa but when I put it in the tank it fell apart, nothing left of it. My tank crashed due to that or overload etc. So Now I'm starting a new tank again. They replaced the Grape Caulerpa but now I'm afraid to put it in. Should you leave macroalges out of your tank and only use in a refugium, etc? Was looking for something to help with keeping the nitrates, nitrites down.


Good question.
For the most part you will want a macroalgae such as Caulerpa to be in a refugium. It can grow pretty fast and you need to weed it out every once in a while to avoid die off. Plus, as it grows fast it will cover up corals if it is in the DT. I would highly recommend having some sort of refugium. If you have a smaller sized tank can do a HOB kind. If have a larger sized tank and have corals there is no reason not to have a fuge IMO.


Active Member
the only macro algae that should go in the DT is halimeda.
the best macro algae for the refugium is chaeto, it doesn't rot out the leaves and put all those nutrients back into the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coco1963
What about Mangrove Plants??
Mangroves growth is too slow to be effective.
I agree with the above poster, chaeto is the best choice.