macroealgae turns white


I am attaching a picture to better show what I am talking about. In my main tank I have some macroalgae that came on live rock added to the tank over a year ago. The macroalgae has spread moderately in the tank, but for quite some time, some of the ends turn white and drop off. See image attached.
What causes this? Is it normal, or is there something I should do to correct this? Also, what type of macroalgae is this?


Yes Halimeda is one of the calcareous forms of macro algae, and what is happening is that it is going from vegetative to sexual on you. I would prun those white parts which are dieing on you, run fresh carbon and check to see if your nitrates and or phosphates have gone up on you. When macro’s go sexual they can release nutrients back into the water column.


Thanks for both replies. Regarding light, I am running four 48" VHO flourescents.
I checked nitrates 3 days ago and they are at or very near zero on a low level test. I did not test for phosphates.
Calcium levels frustrate the heck out of me. I have 3 test kits and get three different readings. Depending on which you trust . . . and at what hue you consider that pink has turned to blue over lilac . . . my calcium is somewhere between 320 and 400.


I'm not sure about needing MH for them to survive or thrive well, but I do agree with the higher calcium readings, they need to be closer to 450 with this type of macro.
I'd go with a salifert reading. A reading of 320 is too low, I'd also check on the alkalinity.