Madden 08!


Active Member
It comes out tomorrow!

I didn't reserve it but I hope they have some extras at gamestop or target. Can't wait to take the Chargers to the championship, and play it on live. Anyone else as excited as I am?


Active Member
Maddenoliday isnt until Aug 14th (12 days away)... game releases are 99% of the time always released on tuesdays... i can hardly wait to stroll into the walmart at midnight monday night and play a couple late games!!!
Published by: Electronic Arts
Developed by: Tiburon
Genre: Sports
Release Date:
US: August 14, 2007
Europe: August 17, 2007


Active Member
August 14th! Noooooo!
Oh well I'll go preorder it and pick up Halo 2 till then. Does it cost to pre order?


Active Member
like coolguy said... typically $5 for preorder... but you typically get a gift for preoredering it...


Active Member
Sweet, I'm going to preorder Halo 3 and Madden then. My friend had a problem with his XBOX so he sent it in and he got a brand new one with his old one, so he's going to trade it in at another store. Gamestop offered 60$(Rip off) and the other place offered 200$ so he gets 200$ worth of games. Lucky. I wish my XBOX broke, LOL.


Active Member
Just reserved Madden and bought Halo 2. Also got a 24pack of Moutain Dew. I'm going to have fun this weekend!


Active Member
Ok I got Madden yesterday, It's got to be the best Madden yet. It is awesome!
I'm the Chargers (Of course) and kicked Raider's butts yesterday and played a friend I had over today. Super fun!
Anyone else got it?


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Nice! Where did you order it from?
My girl friend bought it at best buy.She will regret it later im sure cause im a adict for a month on a new game lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
Ok I got Madden yesterday, It's got to be the best Madden yet. It is awesome!
I'm the Chargers (Of course) and kicked Raider's butts yesterday and played a friend I had over today. Super fun!
Anyone else got it?
i am very disappointed in it... the WR blocking isnt that good... you cant change your controller... its set at the default and that really ticks me off!!! the glitches appearenty been fixed for now but most of the nanos still work... and i have had two head to head games freeze up... my PS2 is brand new... i guess its time to pony up and get the PS3... i have th 360 but i dont care for the xbox controllers...


Active Member
I just got done playing with someone here at, not sure on his screen name here, and I got my butt kicked. But I enjoyed running all day with LT. I can drive pretty good but I make stupid mistakes in the endzone. Oh well, it's the best Madden of the Madden series!


Active Member
Originally Posted by MIKE22cha
I just got done playing with someone here at, not sure on his screen name here, and I got my butt kicked. But I enjoyed running all day with LT. I can drive pretty good but I make stupid mistakes in the endzone. Oh well, it's the best Madden of the Madden series!
i need to get online again... perhaps this weekend...