maderian dragnet


Hi guys, trying to find out a little more about this fish The maderian dragnet.
Is this a good fish to have? Are they hard or easy to take care of. I have a 46 gal tank, with about 50lbs of lr, and I have scarlet crabs and blue legged crabs, also have different snails. Is this a good choice of fish. Any comments would be fantastic. Thanks

my way

Active Member
If you see it eat someting other than live brine shrimp and if it does not have a sunken belly (some never recover from not eating during shipping and holding), yes. If not you will need to have to have an ample supply of Corepods for it to eat. You can buy pods on line from various places. They are slow methodical eaters, you don't want to keep them with aggressive fish.


Active Member
They need a well established tank with plenty of live rock. They can be difficult to feed. They don't have a very good survival rate either.

my way

Active Member
Originally Posted by patandlace
They need a well established tank with plenty of live rock. They can be difficult to feed. They don't have a very good survival rate either.
If you supply them with proper food they have a great survival rate.


Active Member
i maintain mine in a 75 gal tank that has been up for almost 3 yrs. You must have a well established tank, with lots of pods. You can also buy bottled pods to help supplement, especially if you don't have a refugium like me. Mine has gone from okay to big and fat in a matter of a few months, they have always been one of my favorite fish, and when well taken care of they have a great personality. They do well in a mature tank, with lots and lots of live rock


Active Member
Originally Posted by My Way
If you supply them with proper food they have a great survival rate.
Yes if they are given proper food they usually do well. Some people don't and that is why there survival rate is not "great".


I have a lot of pods on my glass of my tank, They are white with a brown stripe in the middle,12 legs and intennas. I thinks they are that correct? If they are all over my glass adn i also see them crawling on some of my snails that are on the glass, would they be in the rock as well?


What about a reagular gobie? How is their survival rate. Are they any easy fish? Is there anything that they can not be with.