Mag 5 and power (PVC in tank)


Plan on using a Mag 5 (I'm not changing)
and I'm putting PVC pipe in for the return however how powerful is the mag 5 and about how long should the PVC pipe be in order to get maximum amount of pressure.
I don't want to make the pipe to long in the tank b/c then I feel I wouldn't get enough power.
Input please

murray bmf

I have a 75 gallon with a mag 7 for a return pump. If you want pressure I would comsider using something stronger than a mag 5, (perhaps the mag 7). I have a spray bar made from PVC that is about a foot long. How big is you tank and how far away is your sump? I use flexable clear tubing from the pump/sump to the spray bar, which is PVC. I get decent pressure from my set up, but it is more to augment my power heads and is not used as a main source of water movement. Hope this helps!


I have a 75 also and am planning to use the clear vinyl tubing also
and place a PVC pipe in there
your setup is what I was gearing towards my sump will be 3' under the tank
Thanks for the tips