Mag is way low!


Active Member
OK, I've been having issues with my calcium and alk, so I ordered a Mag test kit knowing it's probably my Mag that is causing the real issue. I just received my Mag test kit and my mag is definately low, at 1000. And this is after I've been adding 30ml of Salifert Liquid Mag every day for the past three days. So who knows what it was three days ago. My question is what is the best product to boost my Mag where it needs to be and then what is the best product to maintain that level? I believe my tank should be at 1270, is this correct, or should it be a little higher?
Thanks for your help in advance. My corals also thank you.


my mag is like 8 something but my calcium was REALLY HIGH like close to 600


Active Member
A water change is the best way to fix mag. There is not a concentrated supplement that is cost effective to use that I have found.


Active Member
there's Seachem Reef Advantage Magnesium and B-ioinc Magnesium.. ive only tried my diy magnesium so i cant comment on those two products but it should do what you need it to


Active Member
Originally Posted by nietzsche
there's Seachem Reef Advantage Magnesium and B-ioinc Magnesium.. ive only tried my diy magnesium so i cant comment on those two products but it should do what you need it to
What dyi I would like to try it if it works.

bang guy

Epsom Salt is good for raising Magnesium. But, if you're wanting to raise it more than 100ppm or so then I agree with the above poster, do a huge water change.
1350ppm is a better target but plus or minus 100ppm is still fine.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
5110.2 ml of Salifert liquid mag supplement is needed to boost your magnesium to 1270ppm in a 125g.
What salt brand are you using?If its low on mag to start off with you can use a DIY supplement of Epsom salt .Better even is Mag flake and Epsom salt. Epsom salt by itself really isn't a good choice though because it will cause a build up of sulfate in your tank over time. I would consider changing to a salt with higher mag content.


Active Member
I do a 20 gallon water change every other week, so maybe it's my salt that has brought it down. I'm using Reef Crystals, but I've been using it for 8 months or longer and I'm just now seeing a problem with the Mag, and of course now the calcium has dropped, yesterday it tested at 300.
(even with dosing calcium every day it's still low) I'm due for another water change this week so I'll test the Mag in my new saltwater mix to see what it reads. I know the calcium in the new mix is 390, and my pH and alk is also low, so I buffer before adding it to my tank. Is there a salt mix that has all levels where they need to be?
It has not been to much of a bother to add Superbuffer dkH and Turbo Calcium to my tank when I top off, but now that I'm having issues with the mag and that in turn is making my calcium and alk go down I'm starting to get a little frustrated. Is there an easier way? Would a calcium reactor fix this problem? I'm very good about my water changes so what else can I do?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
Epsom Salt is good for raising Magnesium. But, if you're wanting to raise it more than 100ppm or so then I agree with the above poster, do a huge water change.
1350ppm is a better target but plus or minus 100ppm is still fine.
How big of a water change are we talking? I'm only able to do 20 gallons at a time. Is it even possible to get my mag up to 1350 (from 1000) with any size water change?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
-- should have a good amount of Magnesium.1250 ppm @1.026.Is it a new bucket of salt?I think i read some where -- was haveing some quality control issues.Try testing some freshly mixed salt water.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
-- should have a good amount of Magnesium.1250 ppm @1.026.Is it a new bucket of salt?I think i read some where -- was haveing some quality control issues.Try testing some freshly mixed salt water.
I will do that this week. I've heard the same thing, so I tested for calcium the last time around and it came out to be 390, but I didn't test for Mag (I will do that this week). I just received a new bucket so maybe I'll do two small mixes and compare the two. I would explain why my tank has been doing well and then over the past two months seems to have been going down hill. It's taught me a big lesson, always test a new bucket of salt!

veni vidi vici

Active Member
If it is in fact Just a bad batch of -- it would be ok to use epsom salt.It is just recommended to do frequent water changes so sulfate dose'nt build up and crash tank some where down the line . Its an ok solution just not the best.


Active Member
Would it be possible to just mix a gallon of saltwater from each bucket, like shake it up really good and then test it or do I need it to mix overnight. Will the test results be any different as long as I make sure the salinity is 1.025 before I start the tests?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I dont know for sure,but i would suggest letting it mix for a few hrs at least,Just make sure salt is dissolved and mixing for awhile.
BTW You want to know now, dont you ? lol


Active Member
Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
I dont know for sure,but i would suggest letting it mix for a few hrs at least,Just make sure salt is dissolved and mixing for awhile.
BTW You want to know now, dont you ? lol
Of course, NOW is always better than later.

I'll mess with the water testing tomorrow. I really need to get working on my homework. I went back to school after being away for 17 years!
My girls think it's pretty cool that mom has homework now.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by azfishgal
Of course, NOW is always better than later.

I'll mess with the water testing tomorrow. I really need to get working on my homework. I went back to school after being away for 17 years!
My girls think it's pretty cool that mom has homework now.

Mommy do your homework now! or no dinner for you. Thats Really cool.Im thinking of doing the same"dropped put of college to become a carpenter"

bang guy

Originally Posted by azfishgal
How big of a water change are we talking? I'm only able to do 20 gallons at a time. Is it even possible to get my mag up to 1350 (from 1000) with any size water change?

I'm talking about a change of 50 - 80%.
Magnesium depletes very slowly unless there's a severe imbalance between Calcium and Alkalinity. to restore the balance it's often best just to replace most of the water in the system with fresh saltwater.


Just a FYI on a similar system. Mine is a 210 with 40 sump. I go through approximate 2.5 gals top off a week. Using Reef crystals. I run 1.0265 or 36 parts on my refractometer (hydrometer always reads 1.025). ph 8.3 / 8.4.
Temp 79.5. Newly mixed batches of salt need boosted on both Calc. and Alk.
I like to run my system at 440 - 460 Ca, 180 - 200 ppm CaCO3 Alk, and 1350 on Mg. I had been dosing weekly with Superbuffer dKH, Turbo Calcium, and Reef Complete. Now dripping Kalkwasser everyother day to make up for evaporation, and weekly my additional need for supplementation has really dropped. (90 coral placements, 22 are SPS). I had never tested for Mg until a month ago and I was a little low at 1256, I used Kent's Magnesium and raised up to 1384. Was given a rule of 3X your Ca level (with 1350 being about normal). All I can really say is dripping kalk has made system more stable on a weekly basis. I was dropping as follows Calc 440 - 460 down to 390 - 400 and alk 180 - 200 down to 120 - 140. By dripping calcium hasn't dropped below 420 and alk hasn't dropped below 160. So weekly my addition of supplement is far less.