Magic_carp and other nilsen reactor users come look please


Active Member
I have been doing a lot of research on calcium reactors, dripping kalk.,kalk. reactors and other stuff and came to the conclusion that I am going to setup a nilsen reactor. First of I am going to set it up with a 5-10 gallon auto topoff unit. From what I read I will have to get a pump and put it in the auto top off unit and pump the water into the reactor then have it drain out into my sump. Can I just use a dosing pump, how to I control how much to pump out to keep my water level good? do I need a float switch? Please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:help:


here is my setup:
5 gallon bucket used to store RO water
aqualifter pump
geo kalk reactor
reef fanatic level controller
how it works:
float valve in the sump that turns on when water level drops below set point.
switch turns on aqualifter pump which pulls in water from the bucket into the kalk reactor
kalk reactor output drips into the sump
fairly simple set up that could be made cheaper then my setup, but i like what i have


Active Member
I am gonna go with the nilsen reactor a float switch and the pump. If anybody else has a suggestions on how they set up a kalk. reactor or nilsen reactor please tell me.


Active Member
I'd avoid depending solely on a float switch because if it fails then you have 10gal of kalk water in your tank which is bad news. If you have the money you could go with a high quality dosing pump like the Litermeter III and then you can just dial in how much kalk you want dosed per day. I plan on running a Litermeter III and a PM reactor.