Magnesium at 1500, too high?


Hello - Just got a calcium reactor for my 55 gallon. When I first got my reactor my magnesium levels were 1100, I dosed up to 1350 and then added some zeomag into my reactor to maintain the levels. I think I might have put too much in because my levels are now consistent at 1500, is this too high? If so, what would the repercussions be?


Active Member
Long-term I don't think it's a serious problem. A lot of people are running their Mg that high to combat bryopsis (with Kent's Tech M).


Active Member
ran mine up to 1700ppm with no ill effects. matter of fact I raised it 100ppm a day which is ALOT of kent tech M. I wouldn't leave it that high long term but 1500ppm long term isn't out of the question. pretty much no salt mix has mg that high so just doing routine water changes will lower it slowly (or fast depending on how large the water changes).

nano reefer

Active Member
you want it on 1500, that is the ideal number. any higher i wouldnt recomend, but i have had huge results at 1500. 1400-1500 is your target.