

it's the amount of calcium your water can consume before precipitation. right? also are high levels dangerous? i just got a natureef hardness test kit and my magnesium is off their chart.. should i panic now?


What drove it up so high?
Lets start with the test kit, what is it and how high does the test kit go. Give me an idea on just how high we are talking.
As you may know NSW is around 1300 ppm, I have had mine as high as 1450-1500 before with no problems. I might really start to investigate over 1600 ppm.
What salt mix do you use?


the test kit is natureef seanalysis total hardness and magnesium mini lab.
it's a add drops till it changes color type of kit. the range on it is from 20 drops to 28 drops( i got 32) i'm guessing my magnesium is around 2000.
i've been using coralife salt.
everything in the tank looks fine
water param =
temp 80
salinity 1.025
ph= 8.3
alk = norm to high
kh = 10
calcium 430
amn, nit = 0
trate= 10


oh yeah.. i don't know what drove it up that high. todays the first time i've tested it but i can tell ya i'm gonna keep a eye on it.. the only 2 things i dose are
aragamilk and sea chem marine buffer.. the buffer i don't dose often.. maybe every couple weeks when kh/alk start dropping
the aragamilk seems to be running about every 3 days when calcium levels start dropping, so that's when i dose.
both contain magnesium and on the 8th i added buffer tomorrow or the day after i'll be dosing aragamilk.. is there anything i can use to drop the level?


Well water changes would drop the level, but if you are going to add the same things your going to wind up with the same probelm.
My thoughs on agramilk, stop dosing it. You know that cloudiness everyone talks about when they add sand to their tanks, thats all agramilk is in my opinion, the cloudy residue of agranite sand.
I am unfamilar with your test kit. Does the coralife salt state any specifics on it.
I suggest that you have your LFS test for your Mag 2000 sounds almost like a - no way could it be that high type thing.


New Member
i kept getting mag over 2000 also using sea chem reef status test kit also low dkh/alk and ca over 800 all bad. have been buffering to get alk up ca came down to 580 got a salifert mag test kit it gives me 1800 + so i guess keep buffering till they all fall in line ??


Water changes to help them fall in line. Of the three your alkalinity is more important. Get that in line first, then work with the other two.
What are the PH and salinity, salt mix?
Since talking with Kipass about a week ago I have found more information about execss of Magnesium in aquariums. It seems that excessively high Magnesium can relax or anaesthetize and can harm in marine organisms. In one article that I was reading they were talking about 5 or 6 times NSW mag levels causing problems within 30 min. As you may know 1300 ppm is normal, 2000 would be cause for investigation. What are you adding that makes it so high?
It also seems that Magnesium Chloride is a better choice. I have read where Mag Chloride at a certain excessive dose makes a good relaxant the same dose of Mag Sulfate (which is what I use, Epsom salt) can cause death, not a good thing, but so far after a couple of years no problems on that with me.
Your best bet is to do some water changes to try to get your Cal,Alk, and mag in line, buffer to help get that alk up until your cal gets to about 420 then maintain that as well, your water changes should fix your mag unless your salt has a low content.


I use the same test kit for mag myself and mine runs around 1400. When you test make sure you wait about 5 seconds between the drops and swirl the bottle between each drop. if not, you will get a very high reading due to so many drops. you have to do this test very slowly.


new reefers: would ya mind telling me how much DI water u use in test? directions say fill bottle up about 1/4 way.. that's not a real accurate test to me.. doesn't the water i use to dilute my tank water need to always be the same in stead of about?