magnet cleaners?


Who uses a magnet cleaner on their glass? I was wondering how these things work. I was looking at one on ---- that says it is a floating algae magnet. Does it draw the algae toward it? How does it clean the glass without sticking your hands in the water?
Sorry for all the questions but I'm a little confused on this one.


Floating algea cleaner? That sounds like bullshit to me but whatever floats your boat... :D
Otherwise the product works great..
I have a decently strong magnet glass cleaner, but no it certainly doesn't float. It's about 1" x 3". It works great on the algea but doesn't do a damn thing on the coralline! I still use a razor blade on the glass once every other week to clean the coralline but the magnet cleaner works on everything else in between :)
Its just 2 magnets...
U put one on the inside of the glass and the other on the outside.. it holds itself to the glass... and u move the one on the outside of the glass around and the one on the inside moves with it, Thus, cleaning the glass...
Pretty nifty invention if u ask me...
---Enquiring Minds Want to Know?!?!


I have one that floats. u see there are 2 magnets. you put 1 magnet into the inside of the tank, the other one you put on the outside and they should stick toghether. then you move the outside magnet about and it will clean your glass. plus if it coms untached and falls to the bottom you wont have to stick your hand into get it! Best invention, very expensive!


The part that goes in the tank floats. That way if the two ever lose one another, the one inside the tank floats to the top. Seems to work pretty good. Got mine for about 12 bucks at That Fish Place on the inet.


& the "float" reference just means that it has something built into it that if/when the indside portion of the cleaner falles into the tank, you will not have to place your hand int o the tank to get it out because it should float; some of them simply have a long sting attached to both pieces for such instances


I got my algea cleener magnet thing for my 80 gallon for $45! how big is your tank and how much did you pay for the mag float? <img src="graemlins//confused.gif" border="0" alt="[confused]" />
I just paid $3 for one at my LFS, got the small one to see how it worked. I love it...does a great job on the inside glass. With the floating inside piece I can even turn corners without losing it. My tank is 105 gallons with 1/2" thick glass and it works fine. It's about 1" x 3" in size. The biggest one they had was 4" x 6" and cost $25. Not a high end purchase relatively speaking.


I think these are great! I have one for each tank, mag float brand. I think they were under $20 each, I honestly do not remember. The only thing to remember with them is that your rock and coral have to be far enough away from the glass for the magnent to get past.