Magnetic Powerhead mounting bracket


Active Member
Someone on this site was supposed to be getting magnetic powerhead mounting brackets for their powerheads, and I could not find the thread, has anyone used these, or if the person that was going to get them has gotten them let me know how well they work, and attach a picture if you have one. We had a discussion about how the magnet may affect the drive of the magnetic impellar of the powerhead, and I wanted to know if it works as well as it is supposed to. I know that when I use my magnascrape to clean algae the magnet does affect the powerhead some, but not enough to worry about, and wondered if these had the same affects.


Active Member
more specifically is there one that is made for the aquaclear powerheads? I have not been able to find one.


Active Member
are you confused and the person was talking about adding Tunze Stream Turbelles to their tank? The Tunze are mounted on magnetic brackets, and the pump is actually outside of the tank, magnetically driving the shaft on the inside.


Active Member
No, these were mounting brackets for powerheads, i found some for seie, seio, and a few others, but not for aquaclear powerheds.


Active Member
ah, well my guess is it depends on the constuction of the powerhead if it is able to be magnetically mounted or not. sorry i cant help more


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Originally Posted by saltn00b
are you confused and the person was talking about adding Tunze Stream Turbelles to their tank? The Tunze are mounted on magnetic brackets, and the pump is actually outside of the tank, magnetically driving the shaft on the inside.
im pretty sure thats the vortechs your thinking of. the drive is outside the tank. the tunze nanostreams just come with a magnetic bracket, rather than suction cups.


Active Member
Thats what saltnoob said as well, these are actual mounting brackets that have magnets on the inside of your tank and the outside. they are made for powerheads, and it is used in place of the over the tank or suction cup brackets. As I said I found some for 5 different kinds of powerheads, but not sure if they would work on mine specifically. plus i want to know since the impellar is magnetic if it messes with the drive at all and makes them less reliable, and powerful.


Active Member
Look up algae free magnets. They make them for alot of different powerheads.


Active Member
yeah, but he said the tunze had the drive on the outside of the tank when its really the vortechs that use that system. the tunze only use the magnet clip, the drive is on the inside of the tank.


Active Member
are you talking about the ones you can buy that have two magnets, one with a clip to attach the powerhead? if so i just bought a "sure grip 50" which fits maxi-jets, tunze streams, and seio superflows. as far as the magnet affecting the powerhead, i really dont think that its a problem, because the magnet isnt that strong.


Active Member
thanks wango, that is more along the lines of the answer i was looking for any idea if they would work for the aquaclear powerheads?


Active Member
Buy some strong disc magnets. Glue one to the powerhead. The other gets a piece of felt.
Bang Guy had a great post about them--they are about $1.55 each and work GREAT


Active Member
I had a spare mag-float style algae cleaner that i siliconed onto my my mj1200 mod, works well so far!


IF you are still looking for a magnetic mounting bracket. There are some made for maxi jets that might be modifiable for others.