Magnificent Foxface


Active Member
I was wondering if these are the same care level and temperment of regular foxface. Are they easy to care for? Peaceful? How big do they get? So far the stocklist that I want to get for my 125g reef is 2 clowns, tiger jawfish, flasher wrasse, midas blenny, bicolor angel, copperband butterfly, and a desjardini tang. People have told me thats a pretty light stocklist for a 125 because they are all small or medium sized fish except for the tang. Would a magnificent foxface get along with that group of fish?


They are suppose to be peaceful like the regular fox face....
I have a regular foxface, and he is the coward of the tank.
I have a 180 with:
Porc Puffer
Volt Lion
Fox Face
Blue Hippi Tang
Blue Line Trigger
Fu Man Lion
and a Salfin tang that the Blue Tang is killing slowly.....
You should fine!


Active Member
I don't think they're too different from a regular foxface in terms of aggression and care. I would monitor it with coral though, there's no 100% guarantee.


Active Member
How do you think it fits with my stocklist? I might be changing my mind about the desjardini tang. I think it will get too big for my tank.


Active Member
I'd scratch the desjardini too. You could add a few more fish even with the foxface. Like you said, you'll have mostly small-medium sized fish.


No Puffer fish?????
Puffers are great, freindly, and have a bunch of personality.....
If you don't have one, or was not planning on one, it's something to think about...


Magnificents grow an inch or two smaller than the "regular" foxface. They have pretty much the same temperment. I would not get the tang, which grows over a foot high.


Active Member
Would and Atlantic blue tang go along well this this stocklist? I have never heard much about this fish.