

would a royal gramma, small clown, flame angel, bicolor blenny, and a blenny be way too much for a 30 gallon?
andd i would really like a sexy shrimp, would that get along with all the fish above and an emerald crab, skunk cleaner shrimp, and a peppermint.
All I have are three snails, just wondering what i can put together.
...also what about a pom pom crab?
sorry for all the questions, just trying to plan things out to save myself problems later. Thanksss


I would say that your fish list is kinda pushing it. Maybe stick with the royal gramma, clown, and one blenny. Flame angels are kind of pushy, so if you really, really want one, add it last and choose one other not-so-timid fish. Personally, I would stick with just the cleaner and a couple of peppermint shrimp. A pom pom crab would be nice addition, but from what I've heard once they go in the tank, you won't see it all too often. :)


Good call on researching before making purchases.

I think that's too many fish for a 30-gallon, though. You're definitely going to want to narrow it down. I know it's hard and it sucks, though. :(


Active Member
i had a 29 could not stop buying fish so i bought a 150 still can't stop buying fish, i'm running out of room for fish (room for a couple more...yeah) so now i'm starting corals it is a viscous hobby it tears at your wallet like a pit bull :scared: tobin


Active Member
in my opinion it would be fine. Just make sure that you keep up on water changes! a protein skimmer would also be a great investment for your tank.
your inverts are fine... I would add some nass snails and turbo snails. A pom pom crab would be great... sounds like your going to have an awesome tank!


hi there..I currently have in my tank 1 Bicolor Blenny, 1 Yellow Watchman Goby, 2 clown fish and 1 Cardinal Banggai in my 30 gallon and everything has been going well so far. Different things work for different people.


My old tank was a 37gal and I had a false perc, PJ cardinal, royal g, LMB, coral beauty, fire fish, green chromis, and a condy. I had several hermit crabs, 2 stars, 5 emeralds and lots of snails. I had a 10 gal fuge and an over-size skimmer. I didn't have any problems with water parameters. I ran it for 2 years with no problems!


I would not add a flame angel. If you are set on a pigmy angel, consider a coral beauty. They have awsome color and a more docile temperment.


Active Member
You might be able to get away with five fish in your 30 if you have good equipment and maintenance habits. I have four in my 29, and I can be pretty lazy sometimes. Five in a 30 is probably doable. I just don't know about those five. I suspect the royal gramma may not think much of the blennies. And since dwarf angels really need to go in an established tank, you should probably wait on that one. And if the royal gramma is anything like my bicolor psuedochromis, he may try and eat any decorative shrimp you have.


Active Member
Not sure about sexy shrimp with a royal gramma, been wanting to add a RG myself, but am afraid to cause i love my sexy! They are so small, easy meal for a shrimp eater. I would go with a pygmy angel and only one blenny.