Congratulation on the baby = what an incredible Christmas present to have (and just in time for a 2005 deductble!)
What beach is that in Maine? Very pretty
cool man jujst got back from Maine myself. We were stying with some family in Eliot (just across the boarder from NH about 2 miles from portsmouth NH). I love it up there. so relaxing And oddly enough were expecting our first in November. best of luck!
amen on the deduction...thats why we are having during this year, c-section, this will be number 4....17yr old boy, 14 girl ,2 boy and this one i may want to go back to work....
ya know I work from home and decided to keep just one of mine home with me this summer to let her relax a bit before school starts again. I now have a huge calander up counting down the days until she is back in school and I have peace
My little one is still in daycare because he wanted to stay with his friends over the summer
so all I gotta say Is you have the patience of a saint if you are able to stay home all day with little ones all year round
love my kids to death but truly right now I am thinking of all of the benefits of year round schooling
Sounds like a nice realaxing vacation. That is a real good ultrasound picture. do you guys know what you are having?
Goodness I am a SAHM and my kids are driving up the walls. I Can't wait for my oldest to go back to school.