maintaining a good balance


In order to get rid of the red slime algae, I have tried to increase the oxygen in my 55 gal. tank by installing a powerhead. I have also purchased a R/O unit and after my hard work have failed to lower the phosphate levels and increase the oxygen to keep the algae in check. What can is a person to do? I have also found that R/O water affect the calcium levels needed for corals. How can I balance this tank? I need suggestions. I don't want to use chemicals to rid the algae, but is that the only way to deals with this problem? :confused:


increase water flow thru tank which you kinda already did but how much flow do you have? try to point powerheads so that they decrease any dead spots with low circulation. also give it some time for the ro unit to displace the water in the tank that is high in po4. how many water changes have you done? you could also lower the amount of time your lights are on to help control it.
hth and let me know how it goes, good luck be patient.


I notice after adding a powerhead to my tank to help get rid of the red slime that bubbles are forming on the front of the glass asdn red slime is settling in in that area. Any thoughts on that. I also changed water and cut down the light time and red slime is strong as ever. I wonder if I turn out the lights for 3 days like recommended by someone, if it would hurt my cup coral, bubble, curlique, and carpet anemones, mushrooms, and ricordea corals. I hate to loose them. How many water changes on a 55 gal. should I do before I see the phosporous levels go down? I don't want to stress my tank out doing that either. I have done so far. Finally should I do these changes everyday until I see a difference or should I stagger the changes more? Sorry, lots of questions.


After I moved I made the mistake of using tap water to fill all my tanks. I do not have an ro unit and buying 160 gals of water was out of the question. (I am paying for it now though, with red algae and massive diatoms.) I bought one of those phosphate pads. It has stopped the growth almost completely. I am sure with a few more water changes all will be gone.
In my 70 gal, I didn't have a filter to put the pad in so I just anchored it under a rock in the tank.
Might try that and see if it helps. Unless some of the "experts" know something I don't know about them.