maintaining a lookdown



Anybody ever kept a lookdown. I've been keeping fish for many years but have never had this specimen. Interesting fish, would like to get some feedback.


Active Member
Two things about lookdowns. You need a huge tank for them to move around in (300+ gallons), and you need to keep them in a school.


I wouldn't, their ugly and you need a big tank. They should be left for the big aquariums tht you visit when on vacation.


I had two of them myself. Together, they ate 1lb of seafood each week! They were wonderful, but grew too big so I sent them to the denver aquarium where they are swimming in a 100,000 gallon aquarium with 300 of their closest friends.
Overall, they cost a lot, poop a lot, and swim a lot. Be prepared to upgrade your tank, and do lots of water changes. They are wonderful however, but just know what you are getting into.


New Member
My LFS has one of these for sale for 100 bucks, but he's kept in a small tank, only about 75 gallons and has a bad rud spot on his head from the top of the tank, my friend that works there and I don't understand why the fish manager ordered him no one in our area has a tank near big enough for him, so I'm guessing he'll either be sent to a bigger aquarium, like shed's, or he'll soon be "swimming with the fishes"


New Member
Originally Posted by requiem
good fish to keep when in copper
they should also be in schooling numbers such as 3 or more.
I was trying to find somebody who can find me 3-4 lookdown fish at reasonable price!