I have read Beth's post on how to set up a QT...great post I might add
I am unclear about one thing to maintain your QT.
The way I understand it, once your QT is cycled, you keep no type of live rock, live sand, or anything of that nature in it. Maybe some pvc for the fish to hide in or some fake stuff. So my question is this, do you just let it filter and run with nothing in it and do the appropriate water tests and water changes and that is it? I am confused because I wonder if after a while of filtering and such with nothing living in it will all the needed bacteria and stuff die off?
Sorry if it sounds like a stupid question, but I just want to make sure I do the QT RIGHT
The way I understand it, once your QT is cycled, you keep no type of live rock, live sand, or anything of that nature in it. Maybe some pvc for the fish to hide in or some fake stuff. So my question is this, do you just let it filter and run with nothing in it and do the appropriate water tests and water changes and that is it? I am confused because I wonder if after a while of filtering and such with nothing living in it will all the needed bacteria and stuff die off?
Sorry if it sounds like a stupid question, but I just want to make sure I do the QT RIGHT