maintaining Ca ALk

Im just wondering what the best way to raise and maintain Calcium and Alkalinity is. Also, what are the ideal levels of ca and alk?
I have been using aragamilk, but it doenst seem to be doing a good job. Is basic liquid calcium better? Any reccomendations would be good. I have a dripper and kalkwasser, but have only used it once because I feel that I dont know enough about it yet. Can anyone explain to me how it works and how to use it?
Also, what other trace elements are good to dose?


Active Member
If you're not ready to use kalk then try a good two part additive like B-Ionic. I like using Kent superbuffer and kent turbo calcium to increase or adjust the levels.
The "ideal" levels is a matter of opinion but somewhere around 9dkh alk and 430ppm ca would be good.
Other trace elements can be replinished with water changes. No need to waste a bunch of money on the million products avalible IMO...


Kalk is meant to just maintain your balanced levels. Also, your dkh will lower itself when adding the calcium unless your using a two-part addittive.