This is just a quick question. If I want to clean the detritus off of my live sand...can I use a siphon on the top of the live sand or will that strip the live sand of the beneficial organisms that live in it?
A vaccume is not reccomended on a sand bed.You can aim a powerhead so it blows across the sands surface to keep stuff from settling,and a good cleanup crew will do the rest...
thanks for the advice. That is the general response from the LFS but I wanted a couple extra opinions. I am not sure what detrivores are but I assume that they are creatures that eat detritus. I have seven hermit crabs and 10 snails.
detrivores are little critters, some are bug like, which do eat detritus, mysid shrimp, amphipods, copepods, mini brittle and micro stars, and SOME snails and crabs