Major changes over the weekend


This was a major change/upgrade for me. I really like the new look alot better.
What do you think?


Looks like its pregressing. The only thing I dont like are those backgrounds with pictures on them. Try just a plain blue or black one and you will see how much more your fish stand out.


Active Member
nice tank. Looks good. I am a fan of the blue backgrounds also. Makes all of the colors really stand out. Oceanvisoins is easy to us.


Looks good! Do you have other plans for it? What is your next step? And what size tank is that?


Active Member
Looks alot better. Another vote here for a solid-colored background. The new rock looks much better, but just looks like a pile of rocks. Try spreading it out and and stacking it. By the way, that heniochus looks great!


Another vote for the solid blue background. Looks like it's progressing nicely. You actually have a few wide flat pieces of rock, it wouldn't be too hard to make a few caves and crevices.


Active Member
Don't bother spending money on a tank bankground if you go with a solid color. Just spend an extra buck and buy some gloss blue Krylon and it'll look great.
I get a lot of compliments on the following background, and it's simple Krylon Gloss::D


Thanks for the comments.
I bought a blue/black background last night. Since it's 4 inches off the wall and filled with 800 lbs of water, painting is not really an option. I'm going to see how each looks.
The rock was spread out before and we definetly like it better where it is. There are a lot of hiding places in there. Even one that the puesdochromis can get in that no one else can. It has made that spot a home. There is pretty good room behind the rock and pretty easy access. The tang can even get back there if he wants.
Plans are to continue to cover the rock with colorful coral and/or anemones. I would like to get a blue hippo and a porcupine puffer, but it's not reef safe, so I don't know.
It's 90 gallons. 6 feet by 1 foot by 2 foot water depth. I'm starting to see it going somewhere and am excited about it. Wet/Dry sump and seaclone skimmer. Have some ideas for improving the sump, but not sure how to implement with the equipment I have and the space I have. RO/DI filter is due in today, so once it's working I will start making water changes. Bad algae problem from tap water. Newbie mistakes.